Motherfuckers created a rule about how pointing out that overpopulation myths are ecofascistic lobbying is actually “bad faith” somehow so now every post, no matter what it is about, full of “this is why billions must die” bullshit.
There’s 500k subscribers btw.
That sub used to be part of the “reddit left” with a decent overlap with latestagecapitalism etc. Bernie era used to be a good time to “educate” people there about socialism, even if just pointing out that collapse is capitalism’s fault.
But given the massive overlapping userbase a lot of those old users moved on, as you know the reddit “left” is a shadow now(thats being generous), so this is just another example of the overall trend of the site. Every criticism of capitalism/US is “political” therefore confined within blue vs red MAGA now.
I was totally a subscriber back then!
They used to actually moderate against ecofash tendencies iirc
I remember that and shitliberalssay being pretty good back then.
Shitliberalssay was great because you’d get the odd confused conservative wander in and start agreeing with stuff before they realized where they were. I wonder if it’s still decent, probably a lot of crossover between that sub and here honestly, there was a similar vibe
sls is still decent, but activity seems to have dropped off lately though
I remember when /r/enlightenedcentrism was a place where people made fun of centrists rather than people saying that Democrats and Republicans are essentially the same
I never unsuited, just got permabanned for anti-Nazi. The sub got worse as the number of subs grew. I had a few comments moderated out of existence back in the higher science content days for making concrete suggestions regarding the overpopulation of billionaires problem. If that’s ecofacism, then I am probably guilty as charged.
Anybody left of Clinton and a lot of people probablly slightly to her right correctly realized reddit wad a blighted place or got banned for saying dems aren’t going to save us.
Fash has spread by like 50% over what it used to be in pretty much every subreddit putting some fo them at about 149%.
All of the legitimate, principled left on Reddit has been stamped out. All that’s left are the Vaushite types, and unabashed libs. The more decent subs are gonna get banned sooner or later and they know it. Even the subs for the good podcasts are in starvation mode.
pre-covid, It used to be a fairly chill place for people who had reached the “acceptance” stage of grief to look at graphs of ice sheet coverage and talk about maybe learning to grow potatoes.
I hadn’t checked it in years, but it looks like the depressed climate scientists have been replaced by full blown survivalists and scared normies who think that collapse will be something fast, like a disaster movie, instead of the ongoing grind of people watching prices going up as wages stay the same, needing to hang on to clothing longer, no longer being able to see a doctor, or knowing their children will probably be unable to buy homes and start their own families.
Lots of fashies do worry about that stuff too, but they blame it on “socialism” and “wokeness”, and have a murder boner for anyone who’s to the left of Trump.
It’s like the shit at Boeing. Instead of recognizing its problems as the end result of decades of the company putting profit ahead of safety and lobbying for deregulation, the chuds would rather blame diversity hiring.
yeah I got collapse-pilled in 2017 and then left the sub around 2019
It’s scary how many people say shit like “there are just too many people.”
Like mother fucker the number ain’t the problem, over production of shitty food and plastic, and inefficient city planning are.
Also it’d be far more utilitarian to wipe out the west if we’re discussing Malthusian bullshit
This is always my stance: yes, you’re right, there are too many americans. We must adopt the 0 child policy.
The wealthiest 70% regardless of location would buy the survivors some time to find solutions to their soon if not already extant climatological problems. I am in that cull and wish the survivors the best of luck.
Generally found asking people if they’re one of the surplus ones when they say this gets them to shut up.
Not that it changes their mind but they generally have enough self awareness to j9t stay “no I mean a bu ch of other people should die” or if they do say they’re a mask off fascist and you know talking to them is a waste of time
Are they saying a bunch of people should die, or that a bunch of people should stop having kids?
They want to kill people that’s why it’s called eco fash.
If they claim they just want everybody to stop having kids I’d love to hear their thoughts on 1) how to accomplish that and 2) how to have a functional society without young people.
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The one child policy is not something any body should be looking to impose.
A functional society with a disproportionate amount of males because families would just abort babies until they got a son.
There is more than enough room and resources for everybody we just need to kill billionaires, not punish poor people for having children.
I saw a video where someone calculated Tylor swifts carbon footprint from just her private jet going across the US for a tour or whatever and it ended up being like over 160 tons of carbon. That’s just the traveling which means hers is even more. The Average AMERICAN is like 16 tons and the average non American is like 4-8 tons.
Millionaires and billionaires alone account for over half the carbon budget we have (had) to stay under 1.5 C.
if it makes you feel better theyre way less active than here, this seems to be a recent turn in their moderation, not indicative of what 500k people who probably dont look at reddit anymore believe
I would bet the original mod team was wiped by the
admins last summer.
It’s so stupid because there’s such a simple gotchya response. You think there are too many people for the resources we have, and some need to go one way or another? Then it makes sense to start with the people that use the most resources, right?
In fact we probably don’t even need to get rid of that many - let’s just off the 5000 or so richest people on the planet, expropriate their stuff, and that will free up far more fuel, land, water, energy, money, whatever than you could possibly hope to get from letting millions in the global south perish.
in other words, mayocide now
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Humans are a K-selected species. That means when we reach our carrying capacity we just reproduce less, we don’t have a ton of people die as a result. Overpopulation has always been a non issue.
um actually the ethnicities I personally dislike are R-selected.
r and K selection models just refer to the relative number of offspring produced each generation and the number that make it to maturity; it’s not really adequate to explain what happens when a species crosses over the carrying capacity line. It’s also not particularly useful for a species (like ours) that’s operating outside of ecological boundaries. Overpopulation is not an issue per se because we can’t assume that each individual in the human population is consuming roughly equal amounts of resources, so population growth doesn’t necessarily predict resource consumption growth.
I don’t really think this logic works under capitalism and the existence of modern farming. In any case, K selection implies the immiseration of millions after we’ve fucked the climate and drank all the water
What happens when humans are consuming the planet’s resources faster than the replenishment rate. It’s a concept called overshoot and we are currently in overshoot.
This post makes me think a shitredditsays community might be a good idea.
Seconded, although to be fair we already have a community called shitreactionariessay that I feel definitely should overlap
Dunk tank exists
random internet posts are explicitly not allowed there anymore, you have to be posting some shit elon musk said or whatever
Didn’t dunk tank ban random reddit posts
Theres also shitreactionariessay on lemmygrad
Yeah but rule 8 prevents posting the ridiculous Reddit posts
Dunk tank banned fun
Are they fetishizing the Rust Cohle “humans need to walk hand in hand into extinction” line? Lol. Anyway, Marx helped settle this issue against Malthus and lazy Malthusians by showing how the material level of production sustains whatever the population is at
Wow thanks everyone for keeping our little friend occupied while i was at work, good job everybody.
Why are you concerning yourself with this?
yeah OP stop concern trolling its just fascism
So you go around the web and comment on all the fascism you find? To what end?
nah i usually go around ratio-ing dumbasses
“Why are you concerned with the normalization of the notion that some people being alive is just simply over the limits?”
You’re talking about Reddit, not the New York Times.
You’re talking about Reddit, not the New York Times.
whats the difference
were you surprised to discover that the new york crimes echoes the same ecofascist genocidal sentiments that we see on reddit
they aren’t anything new and have been around since at least the green revolution (in their modern iteration)
were you surprised to discover that the new york crimes echoes the same ecofascist genocidal sentiments that we see on reddit
No idea what you’re rambling on about.
I gotta ask, are you incapable of reading or are you unwilling to read? Because DivineChaos100 responded to you with two links to NYT articles about this issue, in this comment, which was posted before CarmineCatboy2 asked you to comment on those NYT articles. And yet, you’re here acting as though this didn’t happen. But I can read and I understand what time stamps are, so I know that you have been shown evidence that the NYT believes similar things to the r/Collapse subreddit before this comment where you pretend such a thing never happened.
So I’ll repeat CarmineCatboy2’s question to you, and maybe you’ll answer it this time: Were you surprised to discover that the new york crimes echoes the same ecofascist genocidal sentiments that we see on reddit?
No investigation, no right to speak.
Reddit communities with 500k subscribers, for better or for worse, can influence culture at large. Making a post to begin a discussion on the potential dangers of such a large community’s moderation policies is not an unworthy endeavor.
Making a post to begin a discussion on the potential dangers of such a large community’s moderation policies is not an unworthy endeavor.
This doesn’t seem like such a post. Firstly, it doesn’t seem to me like beginning a discussion on a Reddit community’s moderation policies here has any worth. It might have worth if the discussion was begun in the Reddit community itself but I can’t see any worth beginning a discussion here.
Secondly, this post doesn’t seem like an effort to begin an earnest discussion about potential dangers of moderation policies at all, it seems more like a mindless “ZOMG1!!!1 LOOK AT THE FASCISTS ON REDDIT!!! WERE AMAZING AND THEIR STOOPID!!!”
are you… personally invested in this?
lol,this isn’t even the first time you’ve defended
on here, shut up nerd
this isn’t even the first time you’ve defended
on here
Firstly, I’m not defending anyone. Secondly, I’ve no idea what you’re referring to.
I saw very little misogyny or rape apology. I see lots of hate towards the particular woman who lied but only one or two posts with misogyny out of hundreds and none with rape apology.
Can you provide any links to the “rampant” comments which are misogyny or rape apology? As is, your post seems completely deranged.
You don’t remember posting this 19 hours ago, apparently.
It has been brought up multiple times there but it’s banned outright as it’s being “bad faith”.
I’m not suggesting doing that, I’m just contrasting the difference in value of discussions in the different fora.
Maybe the “value of discussion” you see here is a direct consequence of the fact that normal discussion cannot be had about the topic over there.
holy shit you are certainly one… spectacle of a human being
You flatter me!
no no no
We are amazing and they are stupid gtfo lib
I don’t know what you mean by that.
You did understand gtfo though you dumbass
And also we’re talking about a sub with half a million people.
half a million people
In a subreddit. You consider half a million subscribers to a subreddit to be worthy of concern?
Yes, i do.
Can I ask why? Like what consequences do you envision from the existence of this community that concern you?
Do i really have to spell it out why it is bad that the idea “some people are ballast” spreading is bad?
Shut the fuck up
A single living fascist is cause for concern.
Why are you concerning yourself with this?
Goes on to make 30 comments in the thread
Why are you concerned others are concerned? You like the idea of fascists hyping each other up in a 500k subscriber echochamber, is that your thing?
Why are you concerned others are concerned?
I would say I was curious, not concerned.
You like the idea of fascists hyping each other up in a 500k subscriber echochamber, is that your thing?
No. I’d love it if people were reasonable and rational and didn’t fall into tribal ideological traps like fascism or communism or religion but that’s not the world we live in.
lmao “tribal ideological traps”
Here’s a simple question smart guy, define fascism and communism and don’t be shy, clearly you’re an authority on such matters
“Man I just wished everyone was an enlightened centrist like me!” - that guy, probably
I don’t even know what that word means.
So why comment on politics if you don’t even understand basic political terms?
I haven’t commented on politics in this thread.
You clearly also don’t know what communist or fascist mean either. Makes me curious if you know what any words mean
Indeed, a fascinating conundrum. Is it possible for humans to communicate?
Everyone, look, it’s the world’s most enlightened person who’s figured it all out! Whoa, such wisdom.
Do you believe overpopulation is a major contributor to climate change?
Edit: lol no answer 4 hours later I know you read this coward
I thought carrying water for misogynists was bad for you, but no, your caring water for fascists
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How many more people do you fuckin want?
How many brown people do you want to die, fucking fash?
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