Motherfuckers created a rule about how pointing out that overpopulation myths are ecofascistic lobbying is actually “bad faith” somehow so now every post, no matter what it is about, full of “this is why billions must die” bullshit.
There’s 500k subscribers btw.
Reddit communities with 500k subscribers, for better or for worse, can influence culture at large. Making a post to begin a discussion on the potential dangers of such a large community’s moderation policies is not an unworthy endeavor.
This doesn’t seem like such a post. Firstly, it doesn’t seem to me like beginning a discussion on a Reddit community’s moderation policies here has any worth. It might have worth if the discussion was begun in the Reddit community itself but I can’t see any worth beginning a discussion here.
Secondly, this post doesn’t seem like an effort to begin an earnest discussion about potential dangers of moderation policies at all, it seems more like a mindless “ZOMG1!!!1 LOOK AT THE FASCISTS ON REDDIT!!! WERE AMAZING AND THEIR STOOPID!!!”
are you… personally invested in this?
lol,this isn’t even the first time you’ve defended
on here, shut up nerd
Firstly, I’m not defending anyone. Secondly, I’ve no idea what you’re referring to.
You don’t remember posting this 19 hours ago, apparently.
LOL of course I remember posting that. There’s just no connection between your comment and mine, that I can tell.
“there’s no connection between the very related comments of mine”
No investigation, no right to speak, fascist.
It has been brought up multiple times there but it’s banned outright as it’s being “bad faith”.
I’m not suggesting doing that, I’m just contrasting the difference in value of discussions in the different fora.
Maybe the “value of discussion” you see here is a direct consequence of the fact that normal discussion cannot be had about the topic over there.
I don’t see any value though, that’s the point.
Hogs dont tend to appreciate fine cuisine
holy shit you are certainly one… spectacle of a human being
You flatter me!
no no no
We are amazing and they are stupid gtfo lib
I don’t know what you mean by that.
You did understand gtfo though you dumbass
I did. I understood “dumbass” too.
Then leave both siding liberals. The communist are right its simple and youre in a communist space, gtfo
Ur gonna get banned inevitably so ig ill be LOLing last m8