Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2023

  • I’d suggest godot instead of unity. Godot is open source and quite powerful, unity is proprietary and might decide someday to charge you every time someone downloads your game. (Unity floated this already, leading to a huge backlash so they walked it back, but that suggests to me that they want to do it and are testing the waters but ultimately decided to put that particular money grab on hold, for the moment. Godot will never do something like that, because it’s open source.)

  • The article says that “the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt will head to the Middle East to maintain a presence in the region”.

    So it looks like it could be a routine ship swap. But if that were the case, I’d expect NPR to emphasize that in the article, and they don’t. They mention the other ship one time and then the rest of the article is talking about how the Houthis are doing lots of attacks.

    I’m just confused about this article from a propaganda perspective, I guess. Is it trying to say “the Ike has done good work, it’s time for it to come home and be replaced by another ship, no worries, the US rocks, we have this under control” or is it trying to say “the Houthis are terrifying, they’re an absolute menace and our smol bean navy is trying valiantly to keep the strait safe, but we have to bring home our carrier because the Houthis are just too scary”?

    Because this article seems to gesture in both of those directions, and they’re pretty contradictory.

  • I didn’t know as a child. I had no idea. It wasn’t until I was like 28 or something that I realized I was trans. Before that, I never would have said I was suffering or struggling with my gender or anything. There wasn’t any gender-related pain I could point to. Then suddenly one day hearing myself referred to as “she” just rankled for some reason. It didn’t feel right and this feeling of wrongness came out of nowhere, very strongly.

    But a weird thing happened after I came out to myself and a few people around me. I started recontextualizing some childhood experiences and feelings and I realized, holy shit, I’ve always been trans, there was gender dissonance, I just didn’t recognize it for what it was.

    In time you might feel some of that, I suspect many trans people do. But even if you don’t, that’s ok! I’m not a person who thinks gender (or sexuality) is always innate and unchangeable. I think humans are malleable and our genders and sexualities can change, just as other aspects of our identities do.

    Let yourself consider that you might be trans! You definitely don’t need to have felt dysphoria for years, just not wanting to be a cis man is enough!

  • I gotta ask, are you incapable of reading or are you unwilling to read? Because DivineChaos100 responded to you with two links to NYT articles about this issue, in this comment, which was posted before CarmineCatboy2 asked you to comment on those NYT articles. And yet, you’re here acting as though this didn’t happen. But I can read and I understand what time stamps are, so I know that you have been shown evidence that the NYT believes similar things to the r/Collapse subreddit before this comment where you pretend such a thing never happened.

    So I’ll repeat CarmineCatboy2’s question to you, and maybe you’ll answer it this time: Were you surprised to discover that the new york crimes echoes the same ecofascist genocidal sentiments that we see on reddit?

  • So the weirdo you’re quoting is angry that parents can’t pay for private after school tutors for their kids and also their kids can’t play videogames all day every day. But then the weirdo you’re quoting says: “No fun allowed. No studying allowed. Only CCP school teachings. Afterschool is for CCP homework and restudying Xi JinPing thought”. And I think that’s a weird jump in logic, isn’t it? “No fun allowed”, “Afterschool is for CCP homework”, but China is surely not banning hanging out with friends, which is one of the main sources of fun I enjoyed when I was a kid. It looks to me like Xi is mandating that kids touch some grass, not that they become little communist robots.

    Videogames aren’t the only source of fun I guess is what I’m saying.

  • I’m one of the few weirdos who actually loves Demon of Hatred. For whatever reason his tells are just so much more legible to me than just about any other Sekiro boss and I like the rhythm of the fight. Also, you can parry him a surprising amount! Parrying his stomps feels awesome once you figure out the timing. He definitely has some really, really bullshit moves, but I’ve found that if you’re right up in his crotch he almost never uses the extreme bullshit moves. It’s still a very long fight and when you die halfway through his third health bar it fucking suuuuucks, but I dunno, overall I really like the fight!