rational enlightened beings that think the terminator from the movies is real
In Terminator, Skynet sends an Austrian robot back through time to shoot you in the face
Roko’s Basilisk creates a virtual version of you at some point in the future after your death that it then tortures for eternity… and you’re supposed to piss your pants over the fate of this Metaverse NPC for some reason
Some people need to read more SCPs about cognitohazards
woooOOooo no but you see YOU are the metaverse NPC inside of the internet RIGHT NOW and the AI is simulating your entire life from the beginning to see if you want to bone an LLM and if you dont it puts you in the noneuclidean volcel waterboarding dungeon woooOOooo
And it has sent npc rationalists to torture me with their conversation. Unpleasant, to be sure
damn that sucks for the virtual version of me but idgaf lmao
So wait, it’s just I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream? Did they bother to understand why AM was angry, as spelled out in the story?
as Brace put it and I had to rewrite out of my post because he said it after I thought it, this is people who believe they are the modern equivalent to Socrates falling for chain emails
The only thing scary about this shit is that the Rationalists™ have convinced people that the Rational™ thing to do with a seemingly unstoppable megatrocity torture machine is to help and appease it
they turned the end of history into a cringe warhammer 40k god because it’s the only two things they know: liberalism and gaming
Roko’s “I pulled this out of my ass”-alisk
It’s literally just Pascal’s Wager but with an “AI” paint job and some racing stripes.
Pascal’s wager is about a plane of existence that is entirely unknowable, at least.
I mean, I’d say a hypothetical AI occurring at some unknown time in the future, which then remakes your exact brain architecture after you long since died just stuff you in a locker and pants you for all eternity is pretty unknowable as well. ;p
it’s Pascal’s Wager for rationalists
Literally what I said when I first heard of it.
Pascal’s Wager crossed with The Game thought out by someone who heard the synopsis of I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream.
It’s worse
Pascal’s Wager, but if you do not develop skynet robo Jesus sends Arnie back in time to terminate you
I wonder if these dorks now have sleepless nights wondering if robo Jesus will actually develop out of DeepSeek and send them to robot superhell for being OpenAI heretics.
That’s the richest irony here, the rationalists are almost all atheists or agnostic’s that scoff at arguments like Pascal’s wager but then have backed themselves into that exact logic.
Wow, subtweeting about Trueanon Episode 434? I listened to it and damn was it a banger in its 2 hours… yeah, the ridiculousness of the Rationality cult rlly deserves its mockery.
Imagine a powerful omniscient future AI that reincarnates your consciousness if you believe in rokos basilisk and gives you swirlies forever.
We need these people to have power in our institutions. Imagine the chaos
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As a Star Trek guy who is frustrated by what Vulcans refer to as Logic, and where the idea that being logical had anything to do with suppressing emotions or just ignoring a lot of complexities of what Logic even is and boiling it down to basically being very very very stern and stoic has had some weird fucking consequences.
Also Rocco’s Basslick is stupid cause computers don’t work that way and we could just like, unplug it. Computers are machines, how would a skynet or whatever get the structures built to put everyone in a simulation or whatever? Things just don’t work that way.
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I can see this bullshit for what it is probably better cause I flew sorta close to that sun. I was never not kn the left but I did hang out with a bunch of gen x hippies who were into Robert Anton Wilson and that sorta nonsense which is the initial spark that all of this nonsense sprang from. That’s more the acid tech bro angle, but the logic bro angle comes on hard as well. If you’ve listened to the TruAnnom masterpiece The Game, the earlier episodes about Synanon (which Leonard Nimoy attended often before it got too culty) and the general ideas behind the games and the psychology behind the psychology they were peddling wasn’t uncommon ar the time and has had major ramifications. There was this boomer idea of enlightened rationalism that came from acid, misunderstood eastern religious stuff via the Beatles and the rise of computers that turned a lot of people into the most rapcious freaks to slither this earth. We’re all part of the Manson family fulfilling an acid ruled dream of race war cause we live in a world imagined by people who were like Phillip K Dick, read Phillip K Dick and in their cocain and acid addled minds decided his vision was positive. Gene himself exemplified this boomer perversion, he was a sex freak weirdo who bought into his own bullshit. These people need to be stopped and their ideas destroyed, full stop.
My favorite thing about vulcans is they’re like “we are very logical, logic logic logic” and everyone is like “they’re so smart and logical” but because tv writers are dumb they’re basically just super racist radlibs
That and the Libertsrianification of the series post roddenberry are both topics I really wanna dig into and do a big giant write up on but the homework is massive and ultimately about a silly TV show. It could be kinda worthwhile and fun but everyone is doing book reports at the same time and I sorta feel my time is better spent on real shit and it’s hard to squeeze in silly research.
Well not every idea is worth our time, but its good to be a person to whom ideas come easy. But imo anything that promotes personal development and growth is worthwhile!
Lesswrongers are like: Bayes’ theorem is when you get to choose your priors. And the more you get to choose your priors, the more Bayes it becomes.
“Oh you’re a Rationalist? Name 3 different Kant books”
“Um guys is Jeff the Killer real?” for people who use the term “age of consent tyranny”
Yeah people who spend hours dooming on forums about rokos basilisk are just like afraid of the plot of a bad tv pilot
Roko’s Basilisk only is scary if you subscribe to their version of utilitarianism, which is purist, but also is a weird zero-sum version. Like, one of them wrote an essay that, if you could torture someone for 50 years, and that would make nobody ever have dust in their eyes again, you should torture the guy, because if you quantify the suffering of the guy, it’s still less than the amount of suffering every subsequent person will feel from having dust in their eyes.
But also, even if you do subscribe to that, it doesn’t make sense, because in this hypothetical, the Basilisk has already been created, so torturing everyone would serve no utilitarian purpose whatsoever.
Like, one of them wrote an essay that, if you could torture someone for 50 years, and that would make nobody ever have dust in their eyes again, you should torture the guy, because if you quantify the suffering of the guy, it’s still less than the amount of suffering every subsequent person will feel from having dust in their eyes.
“It’s fine for billionaires like me to grind workers into dust today because my actions will one day lead mankind to a glorious future where we upload our brains into robots or something and you can have unlimited hair plugs”
Basically, yeah. There’s a reason that dictator types and wannabe dictator types love utilitarianism so much. They can use it to justify literally anything.
It’s the world’s shittiest people bending themselves into pretzels to justify shit everybody else intuitively understands is fucked up.
I always said Rokos Basilisk would be ACTUALLY cool if it really was just a giant snake.
Giant snakes are awesome.
Leviathan from.the Bible has ya covered. Or thar Norse snake
Lord Leto