PKMKII [none/use name]

Bio? You expect me to fill out a bio? Nice try, FBI.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I ask, because you see a lot of libs and liblefts calling America fascist, but then being asked how, and not being able to respond.

    Completely anecdotal, but my memory of being taught about both fascism and communism in high school (and I was in the more advanced social studies classes mind you) was, they’re very very bad, no good, but no real explanation of what either was structurally. We were taught they did bad things, but the theory/ideology behind it was reduced to “here be dragons.” So I’m not surprised that a lot of people have trouble defining fascism even if their heart is in the right place in opposing it.

  • Speaking as a dude around his age, there is no way he can be flirting with minors less than half his age and not be a completely arrested development man child. I can have conversations with people that age but there’s a distinct “this person is on a different wavelength than me, anything deeper than polite chatter would be awkward and annoying” feel to it. As I like to say, some girls are mature for their age, but if a fully grown, let alone middle aged, adult male wants to have a relationship with a girl like that, he’s not mature for his age.

  • As much as I give Disney flak for a lot of what they’ve done with Star Wars, the Legends treatment of the EU is something I’ll give them credit for. They couldn’t excise the entirety of the EU without pissing off fans, but it’s also unavoidable that Lucas exercised little control of the EU so while there’s great stuff in there, there’s also a lot of slop and, more importantly, contradictory stories. So they couldn’t make it canon without a god awful mess to clean up.

    Legends was the only way to square the circle: it’s not canon, but it’s not necessarily not canon, and (unless overwritten by something we make), it could become canon down the line.