I always see the death of journalists as a great tragedy and injustice when they’re targeted in the name of imperial interests. But man, American journalists need a goddamn purge.
they are content creators posing as journalists
They’re propagandists. Journalism and propaganda are intrinsically tied, and western journalists are responsible for poisoning the minds of entire populations.
Absolutely. Did you see CNN doing the least convincing Syrian prisoner rescue ever the other day?
“western journalists are responsible for poisoning the minds of entire populations.” While I generally agree with you it’s awfully hexbear of you to single out “western” instead of generally all.
I’m sure the “journalists” in Russia are doing just as much to poison the minds of their citizens.
Edit: Didn’t even realize this is in the Hexbear community lol, I shouldn’t of spoken out of turn I’m sorry. Please don’t shun me
I guess you can say that while all journalists are propagandists, they are much more succesful propagandists in the west. Probably because people are far less sceptical of the news here. There’s that old joke about a KGB agent and a CIA agent having a chat in a bar.
“I have to admit, I’m always so impressed by Soviet propaganda. You really know how to get people worked up,” the CIA agent says.
“Thank you,” the KGB says. “We do our best but truly, it’s nothing compared to American propaganda. Your people believe everything your state media tells them.”
The CIA agent drops his drink in shock and disgust. “Thank you friend, but you must be confused… There’s no propaganda in America.”
Another good perspective that got the point across to me, thanks for sharing
No problem, thanks for being so nice despite getting snarked at by a bunch of people
Of course, I always find talking to hexbear users interesting. I appreciate those of you who take the time to try and help me (and others) understand your perspective. The memeing and clowning on outsiders is usually pretty amusing from my point of view as well.
You won’t be shunned. You must accept your ppb though
I’m not sure what ppb is but I will take the pic of possibly a pig shitting on its own balls as a sign of good luck, thank you
Pig poop balls = ppb
Thank you, I was very curious
It’s really convenient to selectively discard the idea of American Exceptionalism when it comes time to talk about the most money ever, by any civilization in history, spent on propagandizing their own people
The thing you don’t incorporate into your analysis is the fact that there’s one giant capitalism that exists in the world and it has centered itself in the American state. You never actually compare apple to apple, let alone acknowledge oranges.
Interesting perspective that helped me view this a bit differently, thanks for sharing
Yeah, half of Russian journalists are doing propaganda for Putin, the other half for USA and all of the for capitalism.
I’m sure the “journalists” in Russia are doing just as much to poison the minds of their citizens.
emphasis mine. no investigation, no right to speak. have some more ppb
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hexbear users are so diverse in their responses, I rate yours poorly of the ones I’ve recieved so far, but thanks for the double good luck
Russian journalists are generally not manufacturing consent for imperialist warmongering like western journalists so they are not the same
I bet this is a touchy topic in this channel but isn’t that exactly what Russian journalists are doing with Ukraine?
Just like the west as well.
The Russian war in Ukraine is anti-imperialist, they are destroying a forward NATO outpost and fascist coup government
Ahhhhha, yes I see. I didn’t realize NATO stationed their troops in popular shopping malls far from the front.
Keep up the good work spreading the truth Z Poster lol
The thing you have to remember is that none of these people are journalists
Unironically there’s practically no actual journalists in the west. They’re either aware of what they’re doing or brainwashed to such an extent they don’t notice it, which is pretty piss-poor for someone whose task is to peer through propaganda and tell what’s actually going on. Both groups need to be buried like the bones this pup buries in their back yard
so they’ll plaster white school shooters mugshots all over their 24/7 coverage but when its an ALLEGED ceo shooter they pull out the @Civility@hexbear.net card. ofc this lolbertarian is an incoherent loser but the reality inventing is so obvious lol
Jesus christ, that “lingo” they use. So insufferable.
Team, please dial down the commentary on our clients denying claims for arbitrary reasons. Rate of profit tends to decline etc
Happy to discuss
Not to be overly technical but small correction: our clients are the shareholders and they’re not the ones denying claims. Its a small meaningless distinction but wanted to make sure were being totally clear for the new folks :)
Ounce of precaution, etc
AGL closing with 'Happy to discuss is chef’s kiss
Oh hey look, a behind the scenes tour at the consent factory. Neat!
“Stop publishing the face picture so people maybe we won’t notice that his unibrow doesn’t match the shooter’s clearly defined and separated eyebrows.” Not convinced that he is claiming credit for / being blamed for someone else’s actions.
I don’t really get what the point of shoveling this conspiracy around is. The early photos were low resolution security cameras zoomed in. Shit like thin hair in the middle of a unibrow can disappear into the skin during compression.
Maybe its him, maybe its not him, but this entire conspiracy theory is kinda based on nothing.
It’s not like it’s just a few pixels in the middle of his brow
In the security footage the eyebrows end way before the eyes do.One of these is a straight on HD photo and one of these is a blurry mess from an above angle.
Look, here’s another one that seems inconsistent with both of these despite being the same day as one of the pictures you posted:
Peddling this conspiracy theory will only distract from useful messages you could be spreading right now and make you look insane to normies.
The picture you posted has the unibrow.
Do you notice how it is less thick and pronounced in this photo than the one you posted? Lighting / resolution / angle all impact how thin hair appears.
All beside the point, there’s nothing to be accomplished by running around claiming they’re different people. It’s a pointless conspiracy, it won’t get him out. If they’re framing him, they’re framing him, but these photos are not the evidence that they’re framing him.
Do you notice how it is less thick and pronounced in this photo than the one you posted? Lighting / resolution / angle all impact how thin hair appears.
Yeah I do, which is why I didn’t dispute it could disappear, but rather pointed out that it was not just the middle of the brow, but all the way past the end of the eyes. Do you notice how the picture you posted still has the unibrow?
All beside the point, there’s nothing to be accomplished by running around claiming they’re different people.
I disagree.
If they’re framing him, they’re framing him, but these photos are not the evidence that they’re framing him.
Agreed, they’re part of a larger package.
This is a weird use of the Bureaucrat handle
A CCTV couldnt pick up a unibrow that thin especially under harsh lighting
Which I still haven’t argued against.
they found his fingerprints at the starbucks he went to
the picture of him in the taxi isn’t high enough resolution to show the unibrow
it’s definitely him
Death to America
Forensics outside of trial cannot be trusted. Hell, forensics during trial are often completely untrustworthy. I highly doubt we will know the veracity of the fingerprints claim until trial.
Fingerprints and all other forensics are often faulty if not outright doctored
Mental health questions, shocking crime, manifesto, etc., etc.
That etc., etc. is doing a comical amount of legwork huh?
I legit can’t think of what to replace one etc. with, let alone a second etc.
Well I don’t think they should be plastering his face everywhere anyway, since he’s not been found guilty.
They are shook
Look forward to the next images:
Chatgpt, give me a photo of a man in shadows playing with bleach bottles and IEDs and make it look like those are necessary components of a making a 3D-printed pistol.
his profile matches one of a mass shooter… the news value and public service of showing his face is diminishing
As if they don’t plaster ever mass shooter’s face all over the front page??
He shot 1 person. By definition that is NOT a mass shooter
Yeah that’s it, just go ahead and cluster bomb Manhattan at this point
He’s turning the frogs gay!
Is shooting one person a mass shooting?
Words don’t mean anything
I wouldn’t think I’d need to explain this to you, as a once “very important person”.
But some people are simply worth more than others. They are better, you see.
There exists a hierarchy of individuals in which some individuals have more inherent value than other individuals, a ranking if you will.
Upholding the hierarchy is akin to upholding the laws of nature, and acting against the hierarchy is akin to breaking the laws of nature and is, by definition, evil.
It is clearly mental illness to consider yourself equal to your betters, and I’d advise everyone to seek aid if they feel the need to flatten any hierarchies.
This is a brave post when not using a .hexbear account
I think the sarcasm is clear, plus they have “anarcho” in their name while talking about how awesome hierarchies are, pretty obvious lol.
You never know sometimes people here can’t parse sarcasm.
Yeah it is but I was kinda drunk when I read it last night lol so it was tricky to parse
Well said. This is why I always ask what people do for a living after asking for their name to determine if it is worth my time to engage in interaction with them.
P.S. I never remember their name. I always remember their profession. Janitor? NEXT
I open with my profession so they know whether it’s worth their time speaking to me. It’s only polite. I have a little fun, too. One day I’ll be an accountant. One day I’ll be a pot washer but in the military to watch them try to work out which ‘troop’ and ‘lowlife’ is the descriptor and which one is the profession.
I did card check for public sector employees, raised the minimum wage, and tried to sell a senate seat. I do not recognize the laws of the richest Americans, which is how I became a political prisoner and developed a relationship with Donald Trump.
These new anime titles are getting out of hand
in this case it was a center mass shooting
This made me nod like Zak galafanakis on the bus. Well done.
They’re trying to insist he has mass shooter vibes and they’re furious he doesn’t have the chudjak look
nobody’s buying the incel angle, he just doesn’t fit the bill
I guess if he’s a big guy
For you?
Are we bane posting now
They expect one of us in the comments, brother
Nice interview with that chapo boy, Felix
Keep up the crimes. Good job. You’re always the real governor in my heart
Thanks. I think we can all recognize that the senators are the real criminals, not the guy selling the senate seat.
Center of mass shooting
Only if they’re a fat cat.
So now do we see how this CEO is being treated as more than a single life?
(Most of the questions I ask on this sub are directed towards people who will never see them lmao)
(Most of the questions I ask on this sub are directed towards people who will never see them lmao)
Post on mastodon
Well there’ all the other CEOs who have had to take their linked in profiles down and think twice before going to sxbx. That’s basically social death— well, social disease. And if you add all those illnesses up, and use stats, it’s about 3 deaths in total distributed across all of them.
So you see he is a mass assassinator.
The CEO was a mass murderer. By Highlander rules
absorbs all the past Quickening of other people’s lives that Brian Thompson was responsible for making The Adjustor a mass murderer vicariously.