Goddamn it
Nothing good ever happens
Midwestern Oaf
Shy, but willing to talk if approached
Goddamn it
Nothing good ever happens
You are one lucky ducky
All the libertarians around here are big angry about, well, everything
How do you get a gig like that?
Who says I don’t?
Mmm… artificial banana flavored marshmallows
All we know is that he is in command of a mysterious silver sphere that can kill on his whims
: bet backflips away while turning invisible
Surprised it wasn’t swamp gas this time
Early Cuyler style hat
Well I saw yours first, so you’re good
We are so weak so as to not be worth catering to
But also so strong that we can convince millions not to vote
There is nothing wrong with this sentiment
It’s real?
Creative food like jelly beans that taste bad and butterscotch soda
Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die diendie die diendiebdiendiendiejdieidifidididiridididiriei
People used to say like I talked like everyone else was stupid
Mainly because I would enunciate (because I wanted to make sure people understood me) and used advanced language (because I read a lot as a kid)
This got me picked on a lot, so I basically studied how to talk “normal” by watching a lot of TV
And now people say I don’t sound like a Puerto Rican so I learned I could never win