Gamers truly are the most oppressed class in society 😔
That predates Shakespeare. Imagine if Shakespeare had written a play about gamer oppression.
Not violent enough for Shakespeare.
But it would have been great for a Shakespearian minor joke character bit.
GUARD: “See, milord, how in this year’s almanack the booba hath been veil’d, compared to last year’s edition.”
KING: “Greatly?”
GUARD: “Yes, greatly indeed! Two inches of cloth more!”
KING: “Thou art a nutter and I ought to throw thee in the madhouse.”
GUARD: “But you wouldn’t dare, sire? Tales of your treachery and oppression already circle widely.”
KING: “Thou shouldst consider thee lucky that we have to get the Hell onward with our plot.”
“dise-player, carder”
Ah, so this is probably some law trying to curb gambling-
“tenys player” wait, what? Were people betting on tennis matches back in the day or something?Yeah. Even the king lost money betting on tennis.
Tennis was a spectator sport, which meant a great opportunity to show off your skills and to gamble! Both players and spectators could bet on the outcome, with the privy expenses showing that even the King could get it wrong. Between 1493 and 1499, Henry VII lost a total of £20
They kept trying to ban it in the city of London.
Wow they really did target gamers, huh
What? They targeted gamers?!‽
And that document was written by a time-traveling Anita Sarkeesian.
All I’m getting from this is that something called “tenya” (?) is probably really fun. And now I’m annoyed I’ve never gotten to play!
E: oh maybe just “tens”. Screw it, whatever it is, deal me in lol
Tenys = tennis?
I’m assuming a dice game based around the number 10 most likely lol, but it is possible (and fun to imagine) that maybe rampant tennis enthusiasm needed to be quelled :) Weirder things have happened. Like a town dancing themselves to death.
It was definitely tennis. Tennis had a lot of gambling involved. This was the time they were banning theaters too.
Well, I’ll be!
Maybe cause there was gambling involved too?
“Too”? It was ONLY because of gambling. To this day, the gambling industry cringetastically calls itself the “gaming industry”
Well it could also be cause the players were too noisy or rowdy, or some other (un)reason.
My experience in becoming a gamer is to graduate from Parker Brothers family tabletop games to Steve Jackson wargames to Dungeons and Dragons which was declared Satanic by the moral guardians.
So yep.
Behind the Bastards recent two-parter on The Masculinity Crisis pointed out that the Gamergate controversy really was about gamers who found their only man space was gaming getting upset as the market opened up to women and other non-dude-bros. (I was quietly playing Gone Home at the time not understanding what the big deal was.) Then Steve Bannon whipped them into a voting bloc and got Trump elected (with a popular minority but the EC) and now we’re all sorry.
We should bring this back
Gamers should be oppressed harder. Not quite with extreme prejudice. But almost. Use rubber bullets. Actual full rubber. Not those sneaky “Rubber Bullets” with steel cores.
ContraPoints has a great Tangent video about Gamergate (I think you have to be a Patreon subscriber to get access to it, but it’s seriously like $2 or something).
Innuendo Studio have the ultimate explanation of Gamergate.
Innuendo Studio
I went looking for their video on gamergate and didn’t find anything - do you have a link?
thank you!!
God I hope this is satire.
I just looked it up, the term “gamer” predates the term “satire” by about 50 years.
deleted by creator
600 years and homie thinks it still stings.
Just gotta be a liefull gamer.