• 16 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Yup. I can. I have around 1/20 of a Bitcoin, so the amount I have should be worth about $3,000 USD (unless the price has crashed since I started writing this post. 😈)

    Cashing it in would make me feel dirty. It’s basically just handing the bag to the next bagholder. (Though, I’m not really a baholder per se. I’m not really invested to speak of. The only investment I made to get this Bitcoin is to leave my computer on for like a month or less.) Feeding the ponzi monster, as it were.

    But then again, it’s $3,000.

    As much as I hate myself for admitting it, the possibility that the price will climb a little higher is probably part of why I didn’t trade it for real money back in late 2021 when the price of a Bitcoin was so high.

    But, yeah, you’re probably right I should just sell it. Maybe I’ll just make whoever I sell it to promise they’re not giving me next month’s rent or their kids’ college fund. Lol.

    Edit: Ok. You’ve inspired me to make a post asking other crypto-skeptics what I should do with it.

  • I’m not sure why this has anything to do with FOSS per se. Proprietary software can theoretically be used by people the intellectual property owners hate as well.

    I’m guessing you’re thinking about it from a FOSS point of view because FOSS authors tend to be ideologically inclined toward making FOSS and perhaps think they’re selflessly making the world a better place whereas proprietary software is made exclusively for money. (Not that FOSS can’t be made for money.)

    But, speaking for myself, a lot of bad actors just straight up blatantly violate FOSS licenses. I wish it wasn’t that way, but it is. (Maybe the court case SFC v. Visio will make a difference. We’ll have to see.) But it’s not going to do the world any good to deprive the world of your contributions because some assholes will disregard your license.

    I suppose it could theoretically make a difference if you used a license that called certain companies out by name, but a) then again maybe it actually wouldn’t make a difference (they might just blatantly violate the license still) and b) you can’t really anticipate all the companies that are assholes at the time you write the license. If your FOSS software actually has a nontrivial user base, somebody somewhere who you don’t like is going to use your license some day and there really isn’t anything you can do about it.

    But I still see releasing your code under FOSS licenses as a big fuck-you to asshole companies. It subverts the whole capitalist foundation on which they stand. It denies them the full ability to own it.

    And copyleft licenses do that better than so-called “permissive” licenses.

    Be gay, do crime, write FOSS, donate to the SFC.

  • Honestly it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of risk with giving it a try. If it doesn’t work out, you can always buy regular commercially-available keycaps later.

    You mentioned the potential of stems breaking off in the switch. I kinda doubt that’s terribly likely. (If they break off, I’d think the chunks that broke off would be big enough that they wouldn’t end up in the mechanism of the switch and could just be shaken out or retrieved with needle-nose tweezers.) That’s just speculation on my part, but I have plans to print myself some self-designed keycaps (and a self-designed keyboard base, in fact) at some point out of PLA and I’m not terribly concerned about that potential issue. I also don’t really mind buying more keycaps later if I need to, though.

    3D-printed keycaps can also be replaced easily. If you’re concerned about them breaking, you might want to print some extras up front so you don’t have to wait for a print to finish before you can use your keyboard again. (And so you don’t have to try to use it with one keycap missing. Lol.)