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Someone get this asshole to get into a submarine
If only more billionaires tried to visit the Titanic.
Oh that’s dark 🤣🤣
They all say they work well under pressure after all.
That joke dives deep.
And if they have trouble surfacing they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps
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A Titan submarine, right? We want nothing but best for dear old Elon.
Only the most “Innovative” of submersibles will do.
I don’t think anyone has ever made a submarine out of toilet paper tubes, masking tape and blu-tack. This is the peak of innovation.
In the Black Sea.
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I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure
Yeah humans. Not ppl with a god complex
Alternate headline:
“Massive shitcunt threatens to destroy the actual best part of the internet to the surprise of absolutely no one”
is what they meant to say
Incidentally, do you guys remember when this fuckhead was a darling of the left?
These are strange times.
He was a darling because he was a literally unknown person who introduced themselves with a controlled media profile who sold a way to approach the fossil fuel problem. The nice thing about the left is their views evolve rapidly to current events and Elon has been inescapable in media, so naturally he reveals his true neocon form.
The nice thing about the left is that they have some critical thinking abilities.
Made it more broad and concise for you.
Incidentally, do you guys remember when this fuckhead was a darling of the left?
And when was this? I cannot remember a time when a celebrity capitalist parasite was a “darling of the left.”
I will admit there was a time when he was pushing electric cars while traditional auto manufacturers seemed to be dragging their feet. It felt like he was on the right side of a big issue and shaking things up. I think it’s important to admit when we get it wrong. And boy did I get it wrong.
It felt like he was on the right side of a big issue
No. No, he never was. Any leftist will tell you that the only solution to the car problem is public transport… not silly attempts to make individual cars more “eco-friendly.” That’s not leftism - that’s what we call “green capitalism.” And leftists have understood that loooong before Phony Stark skipped South Africa to avoid being drafted into the SADF to uphold the white supremacist state he benefited so richly from.
100% agree with you now. I wasn’t at that level of analysis at the time yet.
I wasn’t at that level of analysis at the time yet.
Me neither. They really did a number on us.
Do you think you could be a little more careful in your angry smearing of conscientious objectors please?
My brother dodged the draft. He’s a theologian who spent years in exile due to his refusal to serve the corrupt apartheid government.
Give a fuck about Edolf Twitler or don’t but leave the rest of us out of this. Cunt is your problem now anyway.
Just, mind the facts while you rant if you don’t mind. Please.
Do you think you could be a little more careful in your angry smearing of conscientious objectors please?
Perhaps you need to stop smearing conscientious objectors by pretending Phony Stark was one - you might just as well pretend Donald Trump was a conscientious objector if you apply that label to Musk.
It’s out in the open now - Musk is as much a white supremacist as any National Party goon. And, like a lot of rich white kids whose families got rich off the opportunities and impoverished black labor the Apartheid-regime provided them with, Musk felt himself too entitled to actually do the dirty work himself. It was common knowledge here in South Africa at the time - the rich white kids from rich families got to opt out of the war, despite the fact thet they benefited the most from the Apartheid-regime.
It is true that some of those rich white kids actually were against the Apartheid-regime… but Musk wasn’t one of them. His blatant support for white supremacism and his enabling of right-wing ideology proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Exactly. If the reason you are “conscientiously objecting” is because you’re a rich Nazi shitheel who is too much of a pussy to fight for anything yourself, no one cares because you obviously don’t have a real conscience to be conscientous with.
He is clearly fine with sending others to fight his battles for him. Can he be any more the Gen X version of Trump?
skipped South Africa to avoid being drafted into the SADF to uphold the white supremacist state he benefited so richly from.
Wait, is this a bad thing?
Wait, is this a bad thing?
No, it’s a Musk thing - he claims him skipping out on doing his bit for the Apartheid-regime (the true reason for his family’s riches) was based on his (alleged) “stance” against the Apartheid-regime - but his overt white supremacism and his enabling of far-right ideologies kind of disproves all of that, doesn’t it?
You’re pushing a very niche view as if it’s universal, I get why you’re doing it but you’re wrong to. There is no single solution to transport requirements and while the vast majority of leftists of course agree public transport is vital it’s not a magic solution for everything and outside the car hate bubble is very rare for anyone, even a leftwing person, to be staunchly anticar.
You might not like it but it’s reality.
You’re pushing a very niche view as if it’s universal,
Oh, it used to be far, far more universal than it is now. They spent a lot of propaganda money to make it less universal.
Considering how the rivets seem to be popping off the western propaganda model recently, I’m willing to bet that it might one day be a lot more universal once more.
You might not like that, but that’s reality.
I don’t mean to be rude but you’re confused and delusional, there isn’t a transport authority in the world that thinks we can totally do without cars - I’m all for idealism but it should be at least grounded in some form of reality.
Riiiight… I’m confused and delusional because you want to live in a world where Big Auto’s profit margins are prioritized over the needs of the public.
Phony Stark might have a little blue check mark to sell you - he likes the way you think.
it was before he was an actual celebrity and was only known for creating Tesla/SpaceX. He was also “only” a millionaire and well before Tesla stock went nuts, and he also wasn’t posting like crazy on Twitter so people only knew him via Tesla and SpaceX’s achievements, both of them legendary underdogs looking to overthrow the well-established big industry corporations.
Soooo… just the kind of person the left has despised for more than a hundred years now?
what? The “left” has always been the side of revolutionary upstarts and underdogs. The right is the conservative, old guard, established players.
you’re literally trying to rewrite history just to try to hate Musk a little more
The “left” has always been the side of revolutionary upstarts and underdogs.
It’s okay… you can just admit you don’t have the foggiest clue what it is you are talking about.
You can’t fix something if you don’t even admit to it, yes?
Of course they can; someone on the right has always been right and could never admit to not being right.
I think it’s important to distinct what part of the left.
Most of the left on Lemmy? Probably not.
A lot of liberals who align themselves with the US democrats? There was a lot of support until the famous pedo incident.
Okay, so right wingers?
The Overtoon Window is so far to the right in the US that their “Left” are nationalist pro-business neoliberals and their “Right” are ultra-nationalist anti-immigrant anti-abortion neoliberals, so basically in what is the Right to Far-Right range in continental Europe.
Along with pre-pandemic (roughly) Musk, Sam Bankman Freed was also buddies with the left and even had a second co-ceo to court the right wing politicians while he hung out with the left wing (those that were dumb enough to believe in crypto anyway).
No offence intended… but this post has shown me just what a completely warped idea people have in regards to what “left” and “right” even means - very few people here seem to even know that anti-capitalism is where the left starts…
Tbh I liked him when the whole GME thing happened, because when Robinhood screwed over all the GME holders Elon blew the lid off of Dogecoin and I basically made all my profits back. I also thought him poking fun at the SEC while all that happened was pretty ballsy and I respected that.
But now he’s made it known that he’s a conservative bootlicker, transphobe, antivaxx, corporate shill… 🤷♀️
They mean libs.
Libs==libraries now?
They mean libs.
In other words… right-wingers.
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Stop posting Musk’s fucking face. This isn’t tech
I’m so tired of seeing mean gross old white men scowling all over my damn feed any time anyone shares an article.
Pretty sick of them wrecking the world, some of us will get stuck with clean/ survival because of them.
Would it be fine if they were mean gross old black men? Or mean gross young white men?
I couldn’t say because it never really happens enough to make me sick of seeing them being such shitty people it regularly makes headlines.
I’m assuming you aren’t familiar with Clarence Thomas?
I am. I didn’t say it doesn’t happen just not enough to make me sick of seeing his face. Is this a test or something am I being tested for reverse racism or something because I mentioned white men??
THIS oh gawwwd, couldn’t agree more. Tired of reading news about this guy talking unintelligent crap. Dear people, for him even negative publicity is still publicity and for us it is a waste of our attention, 1 cent of which he doesn’t deserve.
Media’s fault for covering him and the cheeto every five seconds
You’re not wrong but it’s also the people’s fault as well for engaging so much with this bullshit. I swear 90% of the internet exists simply to circle jerk about things people hate while the remaining 10% actually talks about things they like. I’ll never understand why people choose to talk so much about the things they hate, just fucking downvote and move on to something you actually like.
All publicity is good for these pieces of shit, stop feeding into the rage cycle and they wouldn’t be covered so much. Or they’d have to pay more for their coverage at the very least.
Twitter saboteur wanting to move onto sabotaging Wikipedia, the biggest reference source in the world that’s only accessible via the internet, on his crusade against truth and facts? Of course it’s tech news.
I mean the post has convinced me to donate to Wikipedia. It’s newsworthy. I hate Musk as much as you, but I can’t just stick my head in the dirt.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to unplug from it, but don’t begrudge others for not wanting to.
He runs a social media platform of influence. It’s tech.
Don’t like it? Hide the post and move on.
I’ve been blocking these users.
Goodbye Gork.
Yeah I looked at their posts but didn’t see any muskness
Someone should tell Elon that an unprofitable website and a non-profit website are not the same thing.
Deeply unwelcome. I hate that this is even a thought that he has had.
Buying and destroying Twitter started with a joke like this.
Unless Wikipedia is a public company with fiduciary responsibilities, can’t they just say, “fuck you. No.”?
EDIT: They’re a non commercial 501©(3). They can say “fuck you. No.”
Well I’m sure glad someone looked into that. Still, I’m anxious he might try to do Bad Things™ to it. Ya know, like he does whenever he gets some idea in his head about something, and then Bad Things™ happen to it.
There’s that, and the fact that Jimmy Wales might have a reverse uno card, as he is quietly developing a free and non profit social media platform of his own called trust cafe.
Did it?
Twitter was public. Wikimedia is a 501 non-profit.
He can’t buy it.
No, I know. Still feels less than good
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Beautiful game
I can’t! I have to keep my feet on the ground! Man I loved the fuck out of that movie as a kid
Yeah and pollute it with fascist content.
It’s literally a meme how you can’t trust anything you see on there except for the most objective, undeniable facts, because you never know what page has been camped by an editor with an agenda or just a possessive streak. On anything even slightly subjective. I know there’s good editors, I know it’s a majority of them, but the problem is that the bad ones exist and so you can’t trust any given page isn’t poisoned.
Also, relatedly, the entire backend is an ever-growing morass of petty politics and tangled policies that serve mostly as a barrier to entry. They’ve been saying admin and power-editor retention is a huge problem for well over a decade, and yet they keep making it worse. At this point, the majority of their admins are from 2005, with only 10% from after 2010, because nobody bothers getting started when the prerequisites to making even a small edit can be learning the wikipedia legal system.
It is an encyclopedia. It is not a place for subjective content. Just because you keep getting your opinion edits rolled back does not mean that that’s a bad thing. A Wikipedia page SHOULD be filled only with objective facts. Again, it is an encyclopedia.
Also, you can trust that a given page is not poisoned by checking the sources yourself. They’re all right there at the bottom. Anything without a citation can be ignored but most things of substance are going to have a citation, because an encyclopedia is a place in which to collect objective facts with sources to back them up.
I didn’t say subjective content, I said content about something subjective. Wikipedia contains a wealth of “one proposed explanation for”, or “a common theory is” on any event or phenomenon, (of which many are covered). Objective reports of subjective statements. And the choice of which to use, which perspectives to include, is a form of bias. The reporting of which proposed theories for causes of historical events or meanings for literature are included, and which are left out, is a form of bias. One that cannot be seen through simply by “checking the sources”. An article written with a slant is going to include sources that agree with its viewpoint and not include sources that do not, and checking the sources is going to show you those viewpoints, and not the ones that were left out.
Also, again, there are absolutely editors who will just wordlessly revert objective, factual edits, with clear, proper citations from accepted primary sources, just because it’s their page or it doesn’t line up with how they want it to be seen. Checking the sources won’t show you that, either.
Also, again, there are absolutely editors who will just wordlessly revert objective, factual edits, with clear, proper citations from accepted primary sources…
That might be the misunderstanding. Primary sources are not directly allowed on wikipedia without very careful consideration that no analysis was done. Wikipedia article are, and should be, mostly derived from secondary sources to avoid bias. The Wikipedia page does a pretty good job of describing the guideline:
Alright, you do actually make fair points here that I hadn’t taken into consideration. I still stand by my statement but now I see that you aren’t really necessarily disagreeing with me. Guess I’m going to have to start checking the edit history as well as the sources now…
Just follow the sources then. Everything that should be credible is backed by sources, and if you can’t believe that source then ignore it , or admit your trust issues.
What is, on a controversial issue, one side is presented with sources, and the other side is not mentioned at all or given just a brief overview?
This often happens on Wikipedia, even when the editors aren’t trying to be biased. Suppose there was a dispute between the British Empire and a small tribe in South Africa. The British side of the story will have a lot of sources, most in English. The tribal side will most likely be known only to locals, with maybe some articles in Zulu and one in Dutch. How do you think the Wikipedia article will look?
To be fair, Wikipedia is trying to enact policies to address such biases, but there is still a lot of work to be done.
TIL: memes are a reliable source of information. As opposed to wikipedia
I donated to Wikipedia, today. A few bucks to a very valuable site.
Wikipedia should run a fund raiser: “Give us a billion dollars or we’ll change the name.”
Donate today or else!
$1b = Wikipedia
< $1b = W
Nah, he’d call it X again, like literally every other company he’s tried that with.
A porn enciclopedia…
Amazing idea
But for only $8 a month you are the only one who’s allowed to edit your site.
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Wikipedia is not the Achilles heel of free access to information. The Achilles heel are the sources: libraries, websites.
Consider donating to the internet archive instead or as well. If the sources are poisoned, Wikipedia just repeats bullshit. It’s secondary literature.
I’m not sure you know what Achilles heel means
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Wikipedia just summarizes the primary sources.
Wikipedia actually much prefers secondary and even tertiary sources to primary sources. They have rules against original research, and follows the guideline that “secondary or tertiary sources are needed to establish the topic’s notability and avoid novel interpretations of primary sources”. It’s only with exception that primary sources are allowed, in which the primary sources “have been reputably published may be used in Wikipedia, but only with care, because it is easy to misuse them.”
Not disagreeing with you, just a bit of nuance.
Wikipedia just summarizes the primary sources.
Technically, I think they only allow primary sources to be referenced if supported by a secondary source. They have weird and complex rules around that,
Wikipedia prefers secondary sources, but I think that is not what user Star meant by primary. Just the sources that Wikipedia itself works with.
You’re right, but what would the internet be without a little pedantry and ignoring the point of the post? :D
You don’t simply alter facts, logical reasoning and scientific standards.
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An Achilles’ heel[1] (or Achilles heel[2][3]) is a weakness in spite of overall strength, which can lead to downfall.
Source: Wikipedia
A few years ago, I set up a monthly donation. Of all things I can use for free on the internet, Wikipedia deserves it the most.
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The entirety of the Musk sycophant Twitter sphere lost their mind about Wikipedia’s finances this week. Only because this dipshit tweeted a lie. Crazy how people can’t fathom that a non-profit that runs one of the most successful websites ever has high costs because they pay their engineers well. These people truly believe that everyone working at a non-profit should get starvation wages.
I work at a very large non profit and I am paid quite well. The work is extremely difficult and anxiety inducing but the payoff isn’t really the money but the good I know I am helping to do.
But the good pay makes it so you have the mental energy to dedicate to the job and not need to worry as much about your finances and maybe have to leave, or do a worse job. I’m for genuine non profit work still being paid fair wages and more within reason. So much of the world relies on non profit programs for something!
As a fairly high up Fed that used to work for a well paid 501c3 same as you I know what you mean.
Wikipedia does funnel money into charity causes that aren’t related to their mission of bringing knowledge to the world. I personally have a hard time reconciling that with the constant begging for donations. I’d rather they set up an endowment or focus the money on items related to the mission.
That being said, paying people well to get bright people working on their mission is a no brainer.
First I’m hearing this also - what unrelated causes to they support?
Wikipedia as an organization does this?? News to me so I’d love a source on that. I would not be surprised if people that work at Wikipedia donate to charitable causes or speak out about social issues, but that’s a very different thing called free speech
Even internally, there’s a lot of complaints about the tone of the donation drives. What’s scary is that these are the pleas that passed. Worse ones were vetoed by community vote.
Ive responded elsewhere in this thread, and think we are otherwise aligned against this cunt, so maybe, just maybe this is a good time to give Wikipedia one of your hard earned dollars? One dollar.
Damn, finally got me to donate to Wikipedia. Years of successful ignorance down the drain - fucking thanks Elon. GUH
Well done
Done! Never did before, but I guess the headline had the right effect.
Well done
I gave them 10, just in case
Well done
Make it monthly
I did literally in response to this.
High five!
Hmm, it says I can’t donate from my region
Tax billionaires out of existence.
Of course the community driven, anarchic nature of Wikipedia is a threat to the status quo of capitalists dominating society. Musk can’t stand this, because it shows how ultra wealthy, incompetent dicktators like him are unnecessary.
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But seriously, I can’t imagine the fine folks at Wikimedia seeing what happened to shitter and thinking there’s any value in having him in charge.
You suck, Lonnie. Go away.
Yeah I can’t wait to read all articles with facts replaced by Republican fantasy. Trump actually won the last election with 99% votes? Oh it must be true then.
Oh I bet he reeeally hates Lonnie as a nickname 😂
Is Musk in this thread?
Nah, but his paid meme troll farms probably are.
No but when he Googles himself - which I am sure he does daily, then he’ll know to stay within the confines of his X domain. We’re claiming back the internets. :)
Seriously though, some young person might still look up to him as a space role-model without ever knowing that the guy is a waste of space.
can a wiki editor plz change his main profile pic to that balding paypal one he loves so much? k thnx bai.
As fun as that would be, we actually have standards, unlike Elon.
A commitment to the truth is a standard
Agreed. The hairline, much like the cake, is a lie.