When you’re definitely not going to arrive at the gates of Jannah.
The demiurge? I taught it was called a chubby.
We love the antichrist, don’t we folks.
All Trump has to do is replace the US Dollar with crypto and then die or be pushed out of office 6 months before the midterms to completely fulfill the prophecy of Revelations 13.
Tepid take but american “Christianity” is anything but. They completely disregard the teaching of JC and are literally heretical in their beliefs. It’s the worship of Mammon and the American settler project.
I’m sure there are still some people who live by Jesus’s teachings (love thy neighbor as yourself, judge no lest you be judged, compassion for the downtrodden, acceptance of those ostracized by society, beating bankers with a whip, etc) but mainstream “christianity” in America needs a seperate term. Americanity? Americanism?
Theres no hate like christian love.
American christianity is only the violent parts of the old testament pretty much
A lot of Burgerlander “Christians” don’t even know let alone believe in the harrowing of Hell, which is a core Christian doctrine. Burgerlander “Christianity” doesn’t offer a good answer why Jesus had to die on the cross (why did Jesus had to die for our sins and not just say “psych” before ascending to heaven as a final dab against the Pharisees and Romans?) while the harrowing of Hell completely explains why: Jesus had to die so he could go to Sheol, where everybody including all the Old Testament prophets like Moses were stuck in. The idea is that Jesus fooled Satan into thinking that since Jesus can feel pain and even die, he’ll also go to Sheol like the other prophets where he had to submit to Satan. The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday is Jesus beating the shit out of Satan and freeing everyone in Sheol. That is the real reason why Jesus had to die on the cross.
Holy Saturday is just commemorating when Jesus descended to Sheol and ripped and teared the demons like Doomguy.
I seriously didn’t learn about the Harrowing until I was in my late 20s, despite being raised in the church and later studying a lot of art history (how there aren’t more Renaissance paintings of the Harrowing is beyond me. Shit’s metal as fuck). It doesn’t help Christians’ understanding of Hell is largely based on fanfic, specifically Dante’s Inferno.
Somehow I’m not surprised that burgerland “christians” (Ameretics? I seriously need a term for these ghouls) don’t know basic theology. If burgerlanders are willing to file into corporate mega-churches and watch some millionaire preach Calvinism-but-worse to them before they hop into their private jet (it’s for missionary work I swear!) they are truly lost.
If Mary and Joseph were looking for a place to stay they would be hard pressed to find a church in America that would help them. Most would call the cops on those vagrants
Wait. What were we doing?
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An awfully convenient god they got there.
That god asks nothing of them and gives them permission to be themselves, as lazy, arrogant, greedy, and malevolent as they want but since they’re heterosexual and white they’re the good guys.
At least 4chan will admit they’re just evil and are simply acting on their inherent evil nature, but I’m sure they’ll give up the ghost that they’re evil soon enough.
What’s the drip on that outfit?
“Are we the baddies?”
: “We ARE! We’re soooooooooo COOL!”
CHUDs really are angsty rebellious teens that act out to stick it to mommy and daddy that told them they have an attitude problem.
Episcopals stay winning. The only denomination I’ve seen with better politics are the Presbyterians in my area.
sin of empathy
Real psychopathic shit. Absolute fucking scum.
What D&D character is this about?
Looks like priest of Zagyg therefore the tweet author, being priest of Iuz, just can’t pass this opportunity.
What the actual f?!?!? Is this real? My father was a deacon at our church I spent the first 18 years of my life almost as much at church as at school and I’m pretty sure empathy was never called a sin.
Edit: alright I went to the author he sites and then the article the author wrote and basically as usual with these evangelicals they site old testament only verses where you’re supposed to stone people for doing certain things. They then use this for justifying (along with a large dose of misogyny) their idea that you shouldn’t have empathy for anyone who has (in their eyes) sinned. These people are absolute psychopaths.
Lmao what is the new covenant, stupid shitheads.
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Western christians (especially the evangelical nutjobs) are bloodthirsty maniacs that also exported their bullshit of hate/bigotry/destruction through “missionary work” for one so I can’t say this is surprising.
With 4chan, I’m honestly waiting for them to just drop the pretenses and admit to being satanists with an obviously rehearsed trademark evil laugh.
I genuinely can’t tell if this is a bit
wow this is just like warhammer fourty thousand video game
Said it before and I’ll say it again. Fascists view the world as theatre and will gladly fill the role as villain. I’m sure if you press them they’ll even call themselves villains.
The stain of suspicion never truly fades
I haven’t really looked for a full transcript of the sermon, but this is the reported thing she said on her wiki:
“Millions have put their trust in you. And as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now.”
if this is legit what has them furious, it’s so absurdly predictable. there is nothing on this earth that conservative Christendom hates more than being told by a spiritual leader with limited temporal power to be more compassionate and have mercy on the weak during their political triumphs.
a caricature of the devil could show up and start eating babies on main street, and they would ignore it to run a 5 mile obstacle course just for the opportunity to kick an unhoused, unwed mother in the face for making eye contact.
imagine being so weak and fragile in your victory that an appeal to mercy for the powerless sends you and your camp into a rage spiral.
Just don’t look up her opinions on “Israel”…
I’m sure there was plenty of twitter normies spamming “mercy is for the weak!” in response.
:a-guy: The Council of Nicaea and its consequences have been a disaster for the Christian religion. They have greatly increased the number of Christians who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world.
Hmm…you blame Nicea, when Capitalism is more nascent.
I’m jokingly referring to the union of the Roman State with Christians by Constantine as the ideological source of Christian violence. When Christians use the state to violently suppress doctrine disagreement, as they did with the Arianism, they effectively become the Pharisees they deplore.
Constantine converting to Christianity has the same exact energy as some FBI director going, “Maybe MLK had a point.”