Lebanese resistance forces struck back in response to the fascist Tel Aviv regime’s barbarous attack on two apartment buildings in southern Beirut that assassinated resistance commander Ibrahim Aqil and massacred at least 13 other people (17 others are missing).
Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has fired a barrage of retaliatory rockets at a main Israeli command and intelligence headquarters and military bases as well as illegal settlements immediately after the deadly Israeli airstrikes on the capital Beirut.
Hezbollah announced carrying out strikes against Israeli military targets lying in the northern areas, using Katyusha rockets.
It named the targets as the headquarters of the military’s Northern Corps at the Ein Zaitem base, its main intelligence headquarters in the northern region at Mishar base, and the Air Surveillance and Air Operations Unit’s headquarters at the Meron base.
Hezbollah said the targeted intelligence headquarters in the northern region at Mishar base was “responsible for assassinations”.
Cant wait to hear how this was a completely unjustified escalation and “Israel” is actually fully justified in melting more 8-year olds via exploding barbies next.
When Israel do it it gets bazinga praise from bloodthirsty credible defense nerds
there is no way this insane support for isntreal by the west, no matter how awful their acts, isnt creating anti-semitism. a lot of people are done with israel’s shit and are blaming jews
shit is going to be somehow even more bleak in the future
I feel confident in saying that Zionism is the main driver of antisemitism today. A few months ago the Jewish community where I live put out a report on antisemitic incidents. Almost all of the incidents were people who misdirected justified anger over zionist crimes towards Jews in general.
Without the occupation, apartheid and violence that is integral to Zionism, antisemitism would be reduced by 90%.
That’s literally what anti-Zionist Jews have been saying since Zionism was born over 100 years ago…
Zionism IS antisemitic. It’s based on the idea Jews are incapable of living with other peoples. That Jews are incapable of not making other peoples hate them.
That’s literally what Theodore Herzl thought and wrote when justifying an ethnically pure Jewish state.
Like the dude hated Jews as much as the antisemitic Christians around him.
And progressive, communist mostly, Jews mounted opposition to this. Choosing to fight for rights and acceptance, for protections and for a popular revolution. SINCE THE BEGINNING. And they were the fucking majority by far. Zionism was fucking FRINGE.
And it makes me really sad to think that so many of those antizionist fighters stayed in Europe until after WW2, fought to liberate Jews in camps, fight Nazis and fascists, make up huge numbers of the partisans all over Europe.
Then after WW2, the nascent settler colonial state of Israel that was struggling for decades to attract Jews, literally denied entry to many of the survivors of camps and only allowed partisans and people who fought in. They formed many of the first communities, which is why so many were communistic.
Also why Stalin at first supported Israel, hoping they’d turn communist and ally with the USSR.
But European colonists gonna colonize and so many became straight up fascists themselves and created the basis of the modern ultra Zionist movement.
I’ve pointed out to people IRL that zionism is “but what if Hitler was right tho?” as an ideology. Which we have a name for: nazis. They’re nazis lmao
shit is going to be somehow even more bleak in the future
Era of blackest reaction indeed
Comrade Stalin left us when we needed him the most…
Go to r/Lebanon. It’s full of Zionists and the whole sub hates Hezbollah and justifies Israel. I don’t understand. If those are Lebanese people, they should stand with Palestine, but unfortunately, just like Iranians, they’re fed up with them. Tragic. Instead of hating the invader, they hate the victim.
Most of them are only lebanese in name. Half the people on there are only half lebanese and live in amerikkka so they spout a bunch of bullshit like the iran sub.
Got banned from reddit as a whole because someone self reported being an IOF soldier so i told him to kindly stick the barrel in his mouth.
Every ME sub on reddit is ran by zionists, up to the point that one of them has a literal NGO on their mod team. Reddit itself is a CIA psyop so I’m not surprised.
I’m still in a some kind of shock on what happened to that platform. The reason why I was perma banned is ludacris, stated as hate speech and I see literal hate speech passing without anyone’s intervention. Feels like a parallel universe there. Hasbara bots everywhere, no one sanctioned, propalestinian accounts being banned… Psycho shit.
Not to be all reddit nerd on you but ludicrous is the ridiculous synonym and Ludacris is the rapper. I’m sorry I know this is annoying lol
No, thank you for pointing out, lol.
I definitely thought they got banned for Ludacris posts and that seemed very believable for Stormfront 2.0.
If those are Lebanese people
What? 😅 Most of them admit they’re Israelis and the rest of the people are on the side of Israhell. It’s really nuts there, like you took bad acid and you see shit that you know can’t be real, but it is.
On reddit, everybody is r/asablackman
there are unfortuantly a large contigent of christian lebanonese that hate muslims in there own country more than they hate isreal
eh it’s reddit, botted to hell and filled with zionists
I saw a comment on lemm.ee I think from a reddfugee that was along the lines of " wow you can criticize israel here? What a breath of fresh air."
The facade is crumbling.
in my experience every english speaking r/nationality subreddit is populated mostly by very racist canadians
Holy shit that’s exactly it, what’s up with Canadians?!
Canadians have a reputation for being friendly… We’re polite. There’s a big difference. There’s pockets of friendliness, but it’s usually in more rural places and the all pervasive racism is worse there than in the cities. Because it’s easier to be polite and racist in a homogeneous community.
Nobody on that sub is Lebanese, most Lebanese people on reddit are over on r/Arabs or r/soccer
Most non western country subreddits are filled with
instead of actual citizens of the country
Hezbollah announced carrying out strikes against Israeli military targets lying in the northern areas, using Katyusha rockets
Расцветали яблони и груши Поплыли туманы над рекой Выходила на берег Катюша…
A few years from being a hundred years old technology and they’re still using them… crazy stuff
Fuck around and find out
Maybe? Still waiting on Iran to respond after being bombed. Or Hezbollah for that matter.
Or Hezbollah for that matter.
Isn’t that what this is about?
I’m talking about the first Beirut strike, the rhetoric was much more intense than the actual retaliation. Israel has been fucking around and not finding out for a while now.
Unless I missed something, it’s hard for me to remember stuff.
Some of their strikes using newer missiles doesn’t get much press in MSM even though it’s never intercepted and hits secret military bases