You can poach them all and tell Claude to go do a color revolution somewhere else
The only house I recognize are the Black Eagles with Edelgard as their leader. We stan a historically progressive Empress
i mean they do have lower incomes
Why did the Swiss decide to insert themselves in a foreign election? Idfk, the germanic mind is inscrutable, perhaps as a result of the water supply
Malkavians are an enigmatic and deeply disturbed group of Cainites. Members of the clan have assumed the roles of seers and oracles among Kindred and kine, eerie figures bound by strange compulsions and the ability to perceive what others cannot. They are also notorious pranksters whose “jokes” range from silly to sadistic. Against all odds, however, the children of Malkav are among the oldest surviving vampiric lineages. They are one of the 13 original Cainite clans and can trace back their history to times preceding the biblical Deluge. They were also among the founders of the powerful Camarilla, and are widely known as one of its pillars in modern nights.
he fucking that bear
i pull up
I’m here to nuke everyone with tears via Your Name
You can find a lossless upload and full flac download of everything this group did on tankie tube posted above
Also fun fact I think tankietube is now the only place you can view the full album without downloading it on the internet
Maybe this should point to the video on TankieTube instead?
If anyone has suggestions for upload or want to be tagged, let me know!
main take away from the post is that you should go watch Your Name its a cute and sad romance
my trans anime recommendations
ive never wiped my own ass