SoyViking [he/him]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020

  • Europeans feel superior to the American people who they consider to be uncultured swine with nothing but guns and cheeseburgers on their mind. Europeans also feel houndishly loyal to the American state, as they give it sole credit for saving them from the horrors of Nazism and communism. Received wisdom in Europe is that America is the benevolent big brother who keeps us safe from the “jungle” with their bloated military and that any break with America would be the recipe for disaster and Russian/Chinese invasion of ever inch of land from Portugal to Svalbard.

    Trump represented a big ideological problem for Europeans as he was the leader of the American while also being placed solidly in the “average American idiot” category by his theatrics. Other presidents acted the part, not confusing the Europeans. Even the visibly demented Biden has been able to project sufficient “professional elite” vibes for Europeans to accept him. Maybe this will change now the powers that be has decided that Biden’s dementia is an acceptable topic of conversation.

  • The Danish navy is withdrawing the frigate Ivar Huitfeldt as well as her sister ship Niels Juel from NATO service. The decision is caused by several weapons system failing in active combat on Ivar Huitfeldt during a recent deployment against Yemen in the spring. The failed mission caused the Liberal Party-controlled ministry of defense to sack the chief of defence in a messy and public process.

    The two ships were scheduled to be alternating NATO flagships in the latter half of 2024 but they will now have to stay in Danish waters until their armaments have been thoroughly tested and repaired. In the press release announcing the withdrawal, the acting chief of defence claims that part of the reason they will not send ships with potentially faulty weapons systems on NATO missions is that the threat level now is elevated compared to a few months ago when the deployment to Yemen happened.

  • Denmark’s succdem-led right-wing regime plans to re-introduce a ban on flying foreign flags. The previous ban was based on a pre-constitutional decree that was struck down by the supreme court last year for not living up to modern standards of legislation.

    Peter Hummelgaard, head of the hermit kingdom’s succdem-controlled ministry of justice gives the following statement as reason for the planned restriction on free speech:

    The Dannebrog [the flag of Denmark] is the most important national symbol we have in Denmark. The government believes that the Dannebrog as a flag should enjoy a very special status in Denmark.

    Now, someone might think the statement above is total nonsense that fails to address the proposed ban and tries to distract the listener with literal flag-shagging. But it’s not. Why? Because he is a very important and serious man which means that whatever he says by definition is very important and serious.

  • Assange might not be a good person but that is not the point, he did something objectively good by reporting on US war crimes and that is why he is being persecuted by the evil empire. We want reports like these to be made in the future as well and the release of Assange is a good thing as it somewhat detracts from the chilling effect the brutal treatment he has received has had on journalists.

    He should still be ruthlessly denounced for any form of reactionary thought but the evil empire backing down from their persecution of him is good. It shows that they are afraid they can’t even win in their own courts.

  • I don’t know the details of how the US legal system works but isn’t a plea bargain essentially the same as a settlement in civil cases?

    If so, it should (at least in theory) have very little prejudicial value since the courts did not rule on the question if Assange’s culpability.

    I know that in the real world the US regime once again learned that it can get away with murder and journalists all over the world have already learned the lesson that the evil empire will fuck them up if they air their dirty laundry. But from a legal nerd point of view a settlement should be quite useles as a precedent.