He saw something vaguely Muslim inside HIS imperial core and his monocle popped off so now he’s on team (White) Jesus.
Militant atheism is when you prefer the religion of your birth nation.
That’s a lot of words to just say “racist”.
insufferable dipshit is too much of a coward to be open about his white supremacy. i wish him a very
Why are there Ramadan lights up there? Am I under Islamic control now?
Richard Dawkins confirmed to be on the same intellectual level as your small town, chud uncle that talks about how he saw ‘Hamas sympathizers’ hangliding near his property in Missouri
what’s that? the guy that nigh invented modern anti-islam reactionary atheism is now deciding to be all thomas jefferson about the christofascism? crazy.
Is that April’s fools post? Because it’s true regardless, he’s not an atheist but agnostic that just search for his brand of opium, it was clearly visible even in the “God Delusion”.
The clip was uploaded Yesterday, and boy howdy does he say '“I’m a white supremacist” and “I’m a fascist” in it like 8 times in as many different ways.
For one he embraces white European identity as “superior” to anything else. Then he rejects the old guard of that identity “I would be happy if ever cathedral and parish hall was gone tomorrow”. Then spends the rest of it trying to weasel word a justification of “White Christianity” as a progressive force with “women and homosexuals” just straight up ignoring the fact that this is absolutely not true and in fact the opposite of what they believe.
His double standard is pretty clear when he even acknowledges that Christianity and the Bible are not inherently good on the subject of women’s rights and gay rights, but “specific Christians are better”. Then immediately turns around and draws conclusions and Islam and all Muslims because he think the Quran is somehow worse.
If I remember correctly, this isn’t the first time Dawkins has said this
Yeah, I’m pretty sure he said this before. I also think Hitchens said the same thing too
Is that April’s fools post?
Ah shit I’m not sure but if I got punked then I knew it all along and was just testing you guys.
I mean Dawkins is shown in liberal media as paragon of atheism (together with Hitchens), so i would assume lib media would make an april’s fools joke about him being christian. On the other hand, Norton is absolutely correct about him in his comment, so it might just be true because as i said Dawkins is not an atheist but agnostic and as a lib is fully expected to abandon his faux values to stand on his real ones that is white supremacy.
(a)gnosticism and (a)theism are separate axes, there are virtually zero atheists who claim certainty of knowledge. You’ve misunderstood something along the way here.
What do you even mean, my point is that Dawkins is taken by libs as paragon of atheism but he’s not even an atheist, his book reeks of spiritual search and neophyte zeal typical of agnostics in the process of finding his new opium (and that Norton is 100% correct here)
no part of being atheist or theist requires thinking you have knowledge. If you’re using the god delusion to say dawkins doesn’t count as an atheist, you’re saying there are no atheists at all because none of us have the hubris to claim we know for sure.
there are gnostic and agnostic theists, there are agnostic atheists, and out of all the people who have ever lived you could probably fit the gnostic atheists on a single bus.
Ah you’re going into the extremely specific definition route, fair enough.
I think, in the context of arguing a point along the lines of “This person is actually Y, not X!”, it makes a fair amount of sense to nitpick about definitions, especially if your claim lies in assuming that Y and X are mutually exclusive.
you’re the one who brought up the guy’s book where he literally talks about this. there’s a seven-(for some reason) point scale and everything.
Imagining a Gnostic Atheist that denies the existence of god but admits the Demiurge does exist.
I know several Christian atheists. They study the Bible as a work of fiction and participate in Christian ceremonies and gatherings. They just don’t believe god literally exists.
So, basically a fanclub?
Lol it sounds similar, yeah. They’re into Jesus in the same way I’m into Sonic
there are virtually zero atheists who claim certainty of knowledge
you can’t prove a negative. it’s intellectually irresponsible to say or believe that you know with 100% certainty that “god” or bigfoot or whatever doesn’t exist, in a mirror of the way that weird christians will claim to know that god talks to them.
The islamophobia hiding behind the veil of “rational reddit atheism” was always there. The selfcongratulatory euphoria posting should have been a red flag to anyone decent.
“If I had to choose between Islam and being a cracker, I’d choose being a cracker every single time.”
Self-proclaimed ‘cracker’, @RichardDawkins , tells @RachelSJohnson he’s ‘extremely horrified’ to hear that dark skinned people exist.
Can he culturally come out as dead? That would be cool.
I’m sick of how these “atheist” types are only capable of hating one god. I thought y’all were mad at all gods. I thought thats why you decided to be atheist instead of anti Christian or anti whatever.
Exactly smh. Keep it consistent. All religion is idealist with no basis in material reality, full stop. The fact that they hard focus on Islam just shows their racism.
Reminds me that every post I see on c/Atheism or c/AtheismMemes is anti-X religion and never about Atheism.
I’m sick of how these “atheist” types are only capable of hating one god. I thought y’all were mad at all gods
christians and muslims are worshiping the same god though so it’s even dumber for an atheist to care much one way or the other. it’d be like being an atheist with very strong opinions about which is the better of roman catholicism and protestantism. like damn, from where I’m sitting those may as well be the same thing.
(but also yes all religion is bad)
I’m atheist but culturally Christian, classically liberal
Richard Dawkins has been saying that he’s a cultural Christian, or implying it, for decades now. I remember my highschool English teacher making fun of Dawkins for doing so.
Get crackers out of atheism, they were the ones spreading that Christian shit in the first place, fuck outta here
atheism has fallen, billions must
New atheists are always trying to get ego gratification as they troll and are obnoxious. In the coming days to top him - I wonder what Sam Harris will do. I can’t even imagine.
I was raised Christian, and if I had to choose between Christianity and Islam, I’d probably choose Islam at least 3 or 4 times out of 10.
We forget that classical scholarship, along with universities, plus most of modern medicine and technology and mathematics, emerged from the Muslim world. And despite the prevenient emphasis on submission, Muslims managed to not be one of the religions with a silly convoluted hierarchy, and also managed to be mostly cohesive and relatively non-parochial in their sects.
good luck purging the reactionary element from either, but yeah, God, Syria and Bashar! is better than every christian song.
Reactionary elements are not necessarily inherent to most religions, they emerge from self-seeking elements in human tendency and then sink their claws into religion to twist it into a tool to strengthen themselves.
No religion can be immune to this hijacking unless it is composed of explicitly egalitarian pillars.
Right, religions have existed before and during class society. But religions under class society get used to perpetuate class rule. Example: Christianity gets appropriated by the empire, the church becomes all powerful, Christianity becomes another instrument of repression in Europe. So really you can only purge the reactionary elements with socialist revolution.
And I don’t think explicitly egalitarian religions are possible under class society. Isn’t Sikhism supposed to be that, yet it fails in several regards?
It’s entirely likely that a religion with complete and explicit communistic substance would never be permitted to grow to become the establishment.
There have been several famous Christian groups thst tried this before they were executed.
Arguably, the original Christian groupings did this a lot while they were being picked off and executed.
Good point.
What’s that cool looking rectangular prism?