It’s blatant extortion now.
According to the US Supreme Court, a US president cannot be prosecuted for crimes (if they’re related to their official duties, but whatever goes, I guess). This means that Canada is faced with the fact that they’re being attacked by a foreign power with a ruler not beholden to the rule of law. If they give in, they’re going to be conquered by a king who is not bound by a national constitution, legislative body, nor courts. This is an existential threat to their freedom as individuals with rights.
If they give in
lol, no. The US are about to rediscover why Canadians were so feared in the world wars. Canada literally exists because we didn’t want to be part of the US. If you want Washington burned down a second time, keep at it.
Gotta go further south this time. Warching Mar-a-Lago burn will be fun.
I’m down, I know the area well. We can call it the March of the Snowbirds.
Turning North America into Canada, South Canada, and Mexico would be a nice sight
If it gives me single payer healthcare? I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords.
It’s being dismantled by Conservative provincial governments. And in Ontario at least, people can’t even be bothered to vote for a party that will preserve it. But I’d rather stay an independent country with problems that be taken by the USA.
And as a respected media personality I can help round up others so they may toil in your underground
sugarmaple syrup caves.
Hey, I’m not gonna complain, might even cheer you on. This administration is off the rails already and we are barely a few months in.
Yeah, we need an adult to come save us.
Fuckit. I’ll greet the Canadians at the boarder as liberators.
Many of us will welcome you with open arms.
Something something “greeted as liberators” only for real
You promise!? I’ll bring the popcorn
Do you promise? That doesn’t sound so bad, tbh.Don’t tease us. You’re getting some of us excited here.
Well, that and also the fact that Canadians currently see the US as a severely indebted dumpster fire where the system is specifically designed to exploit and oppress its citizens for the profit of the few. A police state where cops can assault, rob, unlawfully imprison and murder anyone without repercussion, where your insurance company will deny you life saving treatments to make more money despite charging you twice what Canadians pay for their own health insurance through their slightly higher taxes, where the cost of education is absurdly prohibitive and social mobility is nonexistent, where it is legal to pay someone a salary that is not even enough to keep them lodged and fed while working over 50 hours a week on several jobs, where corporations can sell you food containing ingredients that are known to be harmful to your health, where religious zealots with belief systems that belong to the dark ages wield significant political power, where citizens are locked up for simple violations while rich people get away with murder, where entertainment TV shows can spew out pure disinformation while calling themselves “
FOXNews” where Corporations are being given human rights that take priority over real humans and their political donations are considered “free speech”, where any moron can buy a gun without even having a single clue on how to use it safely and where the violent crime rate is through the roof, all that while chanting about being the greatest country on Earth.And that was before we even take Trump into consideration. But hey, he said we could keep our anthem because he likes it and that we’d pay lower taxes. So I guess that makes it worth it now?
if canada is threatened they can just cut out all traffic to ALASKA, starve the state.
Thanks, now Canada can more easily commit to exporting its energy and resources to Asia and Europe.
Canada will outlive Trump.
Yeah. Hopefully Canada can completely detach from the cancer that my home country has become. And same goes for everywhere else.
For the greater good of the rest of the planet- everyone needs to cut ties with this festering disease of a “nation.” And I sincerely hope it happens.
Yeah, but it’s a big PITA. Gotta expand ports and have long lines at existing ports which means pollution and blight. Lots of benefit to having a sane trade partner within truck/train/pipeline range. Having to steer around a crazy grandpa means thinner margins and more risk.
We’ve been subjected to costs that we shouldn’t be subjected to. In the case of Canada, we’re spending 200 billion a year to subsidize Canada. I love Canada, I love the people of Canada. I love I have many friends in Canada. The great one, Wayne Gretzky, the great. Hey, how good is Wayne Gretzky? He’s a great one.
why tf does the media present this as anything other than unhinged dementia word salad
Is Quayle still alive? He’s gotta be pissed about the “potatoe” thing.
I have no idea what the fuck he’s talking about in terms of “subsidizing” Canada. Either he has absolutely no idea how trade defects work or he’s purposefully playing dumb since apparently Canada needs the US less than the US needs Canada
Assuming he believes his words (as opposed to using rhetoric to get what he or someone around him wants, in either case unfortunately, I think he’s serious). I think he sees anything purchased from another country as “subsidizing” that country. To him, its money the US had that Canada now has. I sometimes think he somehow thinks the US should be given things, because…??? Every transaction has to have a “winner” and a “looser” and whoever has a + on the balance sheet is the winner, it doesn’t matter what that + really means. (I can only bend my logic so far to try to figure these things out)
I think thats pretty much it. For trump there are no relationships or compromises. Every single thing is about winning or losing. Eating is him winning against the food.
When the President of the United States says this shit, is it okay now to say - as a Canadian - that I wonder why more Americans aren’t trying to kill him yet? Like, what the hell is going on? HE IS GOING TO GET US ALL KILLED.
Do you expect the average American to just be able to stroll up to him with a gun and shoot him? We’re literally a police state. He’s got secret service watching him. It’s complicated, and if somebody was successful they would be throwing away their own entire life guaranteed.
That kid nearly did it. Soon there will be fake trumps like the fake Putin’s.
Those two attempts failed. Now he isn’t on the campaign trail and he has the world’s best security. The only people that can take him down are an army at this point.
The world’s best security that almost saved the world twice with their incompetence?
Yea there’s still hope for America yet.
I’m still not sure if that was planned incompetence or not.
Oh you mean the photo op that just so happened to catch the perfect picture of mr traitor tampon ear?
Yea not a scratch on that worthless filthy fucking trash bag of an empty head.
I don’t buy it either. But one can dream…
I would think no, but considering that I posted the article, I’d leave it for other mods to act on if necessary.
A bit of a grey area to me as it’s just wondering, not actually suggesting.
There HAS to be news that’s not being covered about shit like this. I refuse to believe that in a country of nearly 400 million people there aren’t a few with good sense
I think they think it’s futile, since bullets didn’t work. But we have other means. Like remote controlled flying things.
I’m just really really disappointed in Time. Like, you had ONE JOB.
I won’t mention on the “bullets didn’t work” comment. But have you ever heard the word “yet”?
The guy is threatening to annex my fucking country. If you have problems with me wishing harm upon your self-proclaimed conqueror, you can eat my leaf. (not you specifically, of course)
Trump seems to like Napoleon’s quote that “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” And while I don’t want you to get hurt, it seems that an executive action from your new PM would be saving his country from a foreign threat.
Who the fuck is Trump to decide if we’re a sovereign country or not.
At this point: Death to Trump. Murder Trump. Eradicate Trump.
I’ll fight and die for this country.
I want off this ride.
Yeah. I think many of us do.
Fuck off. He is a senior Alzheimer patient.
I’m sure Ontario, Alberta, British Colombia … will all be happy to lose their provincial legislatures for one State House. No local representation. All provincial systems of trade destroyed.
This is idiotic talk.
It’s the talk of a hostile mobster nation. It resembles Putin’s hostility towards Russia’s neighbours.
Yeah, this is the same sort of unhinged “they’re not a real country, they’re like little children that need to be taken care of” bullshit that Putin’s spewed about Ukraine over the years.
The thing that really concerns me is that it’s not just Putin. The Russian population as a whole fell right in line with it. And so, too, I fear the American population might. They just don’t understand the utter visceral rage Canadians are feeling about this treatment right now. They’re treating this like yet another goofy dumb thing Trump is saying.
I’m a citizen of the (former) United States and I feel absolute visceral rage about what this FUCKING TRAITOR is being allowed to do.
Our country has failed. I myself will fight for your freedoms against these nazi fucking filth occupying my home country.
like russia almost, where do you think trump got his ideas from.
Geezus. Is he really fucking serious about this shit?
Remember, it ain’t just trumps dumbfuck ass. He’s got a whole cabal of his team telling him to do this shit and encouraging him. This idiot doesn’t know wtf he’s doing without other people feeding him info.
We should be asking who’s behind all these ideas.
Well, the two countries that would benefit from Canada’s nonexistence are the USA and Russia. There might be a clue in that as to who is seeding these ideas in Republican circles.
I honestly don’t think the US would benefit from Canada’s non-existentence. Any sort of actual war would cause far more damage to the US than any sort of possible benefit they may see later.
Gonna make Afghanistan feel like a trial run when Canadians and sympathetic Americans fight back.
I would not be surprised at all if the white house gets burned down again if they actually attacked us.
This news article has been posted on r/worldnews and upvoted to be one of the top posts of the day at least twice already, and the mods remove it every single time. Feels like they are trying to cover up Trump’s plans for Canada, at least for now. Probably until more Americans can be brainwashed against Canada.
It’s safe here. Trust me.
It’s incredible. Trump lost it a long time ago. He has no connection to reality. He’s mentally disabled. Yet world leaders now have to seriously respond to the incoherent shit that falls out of his mouth.
In the spirit of the Ukrainians on Snake Island, I say “American president, go fuck yourself”
Has Canada considered adopting USA as a province? USA seems like it needs help.
No way in hell do we want that electorate anywhere near our government.
Vermont could apply to join Quebec. If they can commit to learn some French. I’m wed get along very fine.
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Also worth noting that;
- We trained those Ukrainians
- Only one of those Canadian kills was recorded by our special forces. The others were just regular recce snipers. In the Canadian military, those guys are considered plain Joe average rank and file. My wife was literally doing range with guys like that today.
It’s as though Trump think’s he’s the first person in history to realise that canada has some nice things.
If you have a $200b trade deficit you can just take over that country and then there’s no deficit.