No, but they could buy food and farming equipment with the proceeds from selling these cars. It was an opportunity to redistribute wealth.
Now it’s just a waste.
No, but they could buy food and farming equipment with the proceeds from selling these cars. It was an opportunity to redistribute wealth.
Now it’s just a waste.
So, you know everything that the news outlets have told you so they can make money off of your anger and sense of superiority.
When you were in the US, realistically how different was it from being in Canada? Be honest.
I can say that when i went to Canada as an American, it felt pretty much the exact fucking same. Lol.
I didn’t get sick, though. I would absolutely support taking over Canada so you guys can help us get universal healthcare.
You’re twisting your brain into knots to justify all the anti-american propaganda you’ve been fed by news outlets who profit off of your anger.
Come to the United States and see how out of touch you are with reality.
Imagine all those electoral college votes!
We’d never have another fascist president again!
Sigh. Canadians are nothing but a bunch of armchair soldiers.
Look at their military. Most of them are terrified of guns. There’s no world where Canadians are ever a significant threat to the US.
If you’re talking about terrorism, all you need to be is designated as terrorists and any “resistance” you put up will be put down, fast.
You guys are really out of touch with reality.
You’re the one being overly influenced by social media when you’ve been so brainwashed by extreme American exceptionalism that you don’t even understand the concept of countries anymore.
Holy crap 😂
Cognitive dissonance is insane among you people. It’s like you get physically distraught over the crowd being wrong because you can’t rise above your herd mentality.
Anything to avoid admitting you let other people do your thinking for you.
This is the unfortunate reality.
These problems do not get solved because we do not care to solve them.
We only focus on distractions.
Direct voting would help even more.
It might actually solve the problem of oligarch rule and put power back into the hands of the people.
We can see why nobody is mentioning it now.
Stop voting for politicians who support the 2 party system.
Start supporting policies that do away with “representative” democracy altogether.
Move to direct voting.
Laugh at previous generations for not figuring it out sooner.
It’s an oligarchy.
Don’t get distracted.
The difference is that neo-liberals stop getting angry when a D is in office.
That’s it.
If we do vote for them, we lose.
Are you really delusional enough to believe this?
Is this really how far gone you people are on these forums?
Bro calm down.
Life in canada is legit not that different from life in the USA. You guys would be blue af anyways so it’ll mostly stay the same.
I swear, most of you people make it obvious how little you know about the US. It’s as though all your ideas about it come from news articles that exist to make money off of your anger and misconceptions.
There will be no war between the US and Canada.
We all know it’s just bluster.
“Make America Great Again” has always been a slogan for making rich Americans richer while poor Americans are distracted by the culture war.
This might sound weird, but I honestly think there’s now an opportunity for the Left to take the slogan as their own. There could be blue MAGA hats instead of red ones, acknowledging that America has truly fallen and needs to be resuscitated.
Lol. I actually support this.
It’ll be worse for Canadians, but better for the US and therefore the world as a whole.
I mean, imagine how all those Canadian voters can affect Congress.
But everyone is saying Russia won’t stop at Ukraine, so NATO is going to have to fight them either way.
People also said Ukraine shouldn’t mine their borders with Russia because it would be seen as escalation.
Maybe you people are… wrong? Just, maybe?