My life is going to go on much the same no matter who is in office.
Ah, now you’re saying the quiet part out loud - you cast your vote from an ivory tower, and that privilege allows you to justify not voting by chasing an esoteric ideal while facing no real consequences.
Must be nice! If you have nothing at stake, there’s very little reason to listen to your suggestions about voting. You have no skin in the game - you’re the entitled rich kid protestor who, at the end of the day, goes back to a life they don’t have to worry about.
Ah, now you’re saying the quiet part out loud - you cast your vote from an ivory tower, and that privilege allows you to justify not voting by chasing an esoteric ideal while facing no real consequences.
Must be nice! If you have nothing at stake, there’s very little reason to listen to your suggestions about voting. You have no skin in the game - you’re the entitled rich kid protestor who, at the end of the day, goes back to a life they don’t have to worry about.
That person is simultaneously saying that if Harris won, they would have lost while also saying that whoever is in office wouldn’t affect them.