Pinging those that were here before.
Discussion questions:
What video games have you played recently?
What are your favorite video game genres?
Question of the week:
What are you most looking forward to in the rest of 2025 in terms of gaming?
Are you excited for the Nintendo Switch 2? Why or why not?
started playing this game called “Skyrim”… seems neat but the fantasy/racial undertones are kind of odd.
Oblivion is much better and Morrowind is better than Oblivion.
But, err yeah, the, uhh, racial politics is… Yeah.
Scandinavians are racist. I don’t see what’s so odd about it. (/s… unless…)
the empire is clearly the progressive choice if you can look past the fact that it’s named the empire, but the forlorn would be the real best choice. Indigenous population that barely gets any lore explained, because of course bethesda had to fuck it up. and they still attack you even after you help them because we have to show that the only good choice is being the dragonborn and only you gets to decide who lives and who dies.
^ reminder that over 50% of all Islamic places of worship in Sweden (they don’t have purpose-build mosques) reported being victim of a hate crime.
hmmm I’m not really sure what all that means, but I’m sure I’ll discover more as I play. but yes, this is totally a game made by white people lol
get some 15-25 levels and travel to Markarth! It’s also a pretty cool city imo
Playing sifu rn, love the combat system.
Finished firewatch before it.
Favorite genres would be story telling games and rougelike/lite.
Not looking forward to any games. I don’t follow game releases and just get games as I finish games in my library and search for other similar games, very rarelly do I buy a game that’s isn’t already a couple years old.
Not excited for the nintendo switch 2, I never owned any consoles in my life until last year my used ps4. Like it to turn on and play some bloodborne sometimes but I like my devices to be multipurpose so am much more interested in gaming handhelds like the steamdeck or just pc gaming in general.
Fair, fair.
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I just finished that yesterday for the first time!
Oooo, Minish Cap! Grew up with that game.
No gaming for me because school has started and this semester has been nightmarish lol. I did buy a steam deck for myself tho so thats nice.
Edit: I do not feel super strongly about the Switch 2.
Steam Deck is a good purchase and hopefully you’ll have the time to use it eventually.
I wanted it because my poor laptop is not strong enough to play certain games well (baldurs gate 3 being the main one) and I wanted a dedicated machine to take up my steam memory, unfortunately th deck can’t play Silent Hill 2.
I haven’t played on it yet but I downloaded most of my steam library and I am excited to get to it. January was super hard but hopefully February will slow down for a bit for me to play.
Yeah, January was harsh on me too.
Playing signalis. Setting is interesting and some of the puzzles are good but I’m not a fan of all the backtracking. I will finish it though.
Played balatro before that, basically got around 60 hours out of it before I felt really fed up with playing it. Which is not bad.
I’m enjoying playing more controller friendly games on steam deck over the competitive kind of games I pumped so many hours into before. I think after signalis I will play through the rest of hollow knight.
I don’t mind backtracking here and there, but I guess the game does too much of it.
tried playing call of duty zombies becausr hakim liked it. ended up spending so many hours shooting nazi zombies (this is a hint on an upcoming post when i come back home! any questions about “what cod did you play” will be answered there! i tried black ops 2 but i generally don’t like cod. the fact that it’s funded by the us army doesn’t help!)
i played a ton of beta minecraft. yes, i know about better than adventure. yes, i know and use beta unleashed. i built a castle yesterday.
to be honest, i didn’t play much as i focused more of my time on exams
my favorite genre is still sandboxes. i played beta minecraft for half an hour trying to make a statue and many hours on a barn (tree farm!) and a castle. juggling blocks in my inventory has never been this easy and this fun
i am looking forward to more homebrew on older consoles. the ps3 recently got gamemaker games like undertale, sonic mania is fully playable and minecraft b1.7.3 is partially playable on the wii. i want MORE. if i knew how, i’d port an underrated indie game (and a friend of mine’s favorite game) known as “aquaria” to the ps3, it already has a switch port and a psp port, why not the ps3?
switch 2? nah, we’ll already have the switch 3
jokes aside, the only consoles i have are the ps3 and the wii. if it can be emulated and jailbroken, and it will, would be really neat. nintendo dmca-ing emulators kinda made this hard
Hakim as in the YouTuber? Nice!
Also lol about the Switch 3.
I just played Neva and LUNA The Shadow Dust, both were really enjoyable. In general I enjoy either games with really good stories where choices matter or roguelikes that have good action. I find nowadays I don’t have as much time and energy to play games, so I tend to look for stuff with easy to pick up mechanics and that I can pick up and play without having to build up too much context.
Haven’t really been keeping up with what big games are coming out this year, so not really looking for anything specific.I find I tend to often be most pleasantly surprised by small indie games that I discover.
Not really excited for Switch 2 here, I basically haven’t touched my Switch since I got the Steam Deck. The only game I’d probably really want to play on it would be the new Mario Kart.
Yeah, I agree.
Honestly, the Steam Deck mostly makes the Switch obsolete, but I guess it depends on if you like Nintendo’s exclusives, which are generally pretty good.
Still, it seems that those exclusives are all that Nintendo has going for them at this point.
Exactly, and Nintendo just tend to put out like same 5 games over and over. While the details are new, it’s more or less the same game you’ve already played many times.
Same IPs, and only Splatoon is the newest IP from them.
On another note, they are taking their sweet-ass time releasing their next system.
I’m curious what they come up with, one thing with Nintendo is that they do tend to be creative with their hardware.
One thing is for sure:
Nintendo is very efficient with their hardware and software.
They make every gigabyte of information count on their devices.
Meanwhile, Bethesda’s Skyrim can’t compress files for shit.
Yeah they do manage to squeeze a lot out of their hardware. I also like how they don’t focus on raw power for their consoles, but rather try to make the actual gameplay good.
Frankly, if the gameplay isn’t good, then I may not stick with a game all that much; I love storytelling and presentation, but I need it to be more than jut a “cinematic movie” where you just press buttons to progress and that’s it.
Still just playing Deadlock since I got into the alpha back in August. Haven’t been into a game for this long in a while.
Really looking forward to Monster Hunter Wilds later on this month.
Tbh, there are too many games, it feels like, at times.
Just one game or two is enough; you’re good here, I think.
Ping #1
Ping #2
Fourth ping; see OP at the top.
Cheers, everyone!
You pinged me twice, was that a mistake?
I think so.
Resident Evil 4 the new one. Going for a Professional S+. Also, some Crash Bandicoot 4.
I’m starting Silent Hill 2 Remake. Just started SH2R yesterday, in fact, though I only went through the settings and toggled on what I needed to play.
Damn, though, as far as horror games though, Resident Evil 4 looks enticing.
I’ll be honest. Silletn Hill scares me. Does it have a boss constantly chasing you? I find that so stressing that I avoid those kinds of games.
Have you played Silent Hill or do you just find the previews unnerving?
Never played it.
I would suggest one day playing Silent Hill 2 Remake, if you ever find you have the time. It’s a great story, but yes, certainly unnerving.
Besides a lot of ARK, I completely forgot about RE Village DLC, so I played it. The most dogshit DLC in history by far.
Favorite genres are horror(any kind), action/adventure and SCI-FI,
Obviously looking forward to GTA VI this year the most.
ARK still has a sequel coming out, no?
But they did the reveal a couple of years ago and so far… nothing.
Oh yeah, and nothing came of that TV show or Netflix series either…
Allegedly but nothing came of that for years, I’m just salty they stopped updating Survival Evolved and don’t add anymore creatures in it, developers are pretty lazy tbh.
What series?
The one they showed at a TGA event a while back, I think.
I forgor, do you have a link?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I think it released last year, but I didn’t see it. I’d much rather have live action movie or series than animated, just imagine the potential with designs.
Currently I’m playing Pokémon: Legends Arceus, which is pretty fun; I’m also playing heavy modded Skyrim, it took me two weeks to fully mod it with 1200+ mods, the only downside is that something is killing my performance and I don’t know what lol. I’m also playing Slay the Spire which is absolutely incredible, I can’t believe it took me this long to try this game out, and I recently started Sifu which is extremely cool.
What are you most looking forward to in the rest of 2025 in terms of gaming?
Honestly I’m most excited for Chinese games. I haven’t played Black Myth Wukong because too expensive, but I’m looking forward to Phantom Blade Zero, Project Perceiver and Where Winds Meet. Outside of that it’s Slay the Spire 2, The First Berserker: Khazan, Avowed, .45 Parabellum Bloodhound and Unbeatable.
Are you excited for the Nintendo Switch 2? Why or why not?
I’m more curious than excited to be honest, depending on how powerful it is, it could be a pretty cool modded handheld.
I have Black Myth: Wukong, but haven’t played it yet. There’s also The Bustling World, which is another Chinese game, that was announced a while back which seems super ambitious and I love the concept behind it already.
I really want to play Black Myth Wukong. But I refuse to buy any game with Denuvo, and I fear that it wouldn’t run that well on PS5. I get motion sick easily, and modern games and their fancy AI graphics are not a good mix. On PC I can generally disable all that crap until I get something playable.
Just started playing Citizen Sleeper 2. Really enjoyed the first one, and the second one seems to be pretty similar. Great writing and a pretty good adaptation of some TTRPG mechanics. My only real complaint has been that it can be hard to track what is going on at locations you aren’t currently at.
I am looking forward to Civ VII and Monster Hunter Wilds…both which hit this month, unfortunately for my free time. I have no idea if it comes out this year but I am very interested in Endless Legend 2 as well.
My Switch 1 was probably the least used console I have ever bought, it basically existed as my girlfriend’s animal crossing box, so I doubt I will consider the Switch 2 honestly. Especially since I have a steam deck now.
Oh, I forgot that Citizen Sleeper 2 has just come out.
It has decidedly pro-socialist themes (as did the first game). Which should not be remotely surprising coming from a studio named Fellow Traveler.
There are at least two worker co-ops/revolutions you can assist with.That’s good, at least.
I’m playing Advance Wars and I also started Disco Elysium. Damn, if I wasn’t doing my thesis I’d play that all day long. I had finished the Zelda Oracle games and they were alright, Oracle of Seasons was definitely a lot easier than Ages
Yeah, the Oracle games are more famous than good.
A couple weeks ago I was having a hard time finding things to play. I went back to Kenshi and Rimworld for a bit but they weren’t really doing it for me.
Then I got an emulator working for Breath of the Wild. Its pretty awesome. Its the spiritual successor to Daggerfall in that it has awesome climbing mechanics. I am really impressed by the openness of the world and the puzzles are really well designed so that sometimes I am not sure if I am solving it the way they intended or making up a work around. There were a couple spots where I had to spoof the motion controls through my mouse which was not great but otherwise everything has been working really smoothly. So now I’m looking at more wiiu games to emulate and I’ve got Skyward sword waiting for me.
I dont really care about switch 2. I haven’t had a console since the wii but I do look forward to the next installments of the Zelda franchise. PCs may be superior to consoles but I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for exclusive IP like Zelda, Metroid, and Sonic. (Mario is ok but he gets involved in too many dubious pursuits)
Daggerfall, my beloved…