I always see this scene and get so sad for him. That’s a lot of food that he put a lot of work into and was proud of his work. Watching him try to shovel it back into the pot hurts. I know it’s meant to be played off for humor, but I see next to none in that scene.
That’s because you have empathy and Kevin is generally a wholesome character.
Do yourself a favor and never watch Seinfeld.
If you take away the laugh track, it is astoundingly clear that the main cast are all just evil, narcissistic sociopaths, they never do anything that doesn’t benefit themselves, and they have no problem at all ruining other people’s days or even lives, their metric for whether or not something was a good idea or not is entirely whether it worked out well for them…
… ironically with the exception of Kramer, who actually attempts, from time to time, to do good things for other people which will not benefit himself, he just goes about them in often dubious ways.
Always Sunny just leaned into this, and made you fully aware that the main characters are sociopaths. They literally show the progress of how they ruined the lives of the people around them. That’s why I love that show. It’s a perfect example of everything not to do in life if you want to be happy and fulfilled.
What I also like about Sunny kinda like Seinfeld is you see the progression from the beginning in the show where they’re sociopathic but still kinda sensible and how overtime they just get more and more unhinged.
In Seinfled, all 4 of them eventually inadvertently kill someone.
In Seinfled, all 4 of them eventually inadvertently kill someone.
Wait really? That’s the first I’m hearing of this. I used to watch a ton of Seinfeld back in the day but don’t remember any deaths.
Kramer: indirectly kills Pinkis the dry cleaner and Marty Benson.
Elaine: indirectly kills Russell Dalyrmple (makes him suicidal after dating her)
George: indirectly kills Susan (cheaped out on wedding invitation envelopes) and Peterman’ mom (BOSCO!)
Jerry: indirectly kills Fulton (literally makes him laugh to death) and Manya (the pony remark)
My autism knows no bounds. They actually have more deaths on their hands. I just don’t have the energy to look for it.
Amazing! I’m gonna have to look these up on YouTube.
Jerry Seinfeld making someone laugh themselves to death is rich.
Even with the laugh track, they are clearly sociopaths. Which is why Always Sunny in Philadelphia is Seinfeld on crack.
I mean, the show literally ends with them all going to prison for generally being pieces of shit. They’re not meant to be role models.
Wasn’t that the point of the show? I remember it was renowned for being one of the first (if not the first) sitcoms where the characters were meant to be disliked.
Kinda I think. At the end they all went to jail for being selfish assholes. George was never a likable character but he was relatable because you see all your own worst parts in him (and then some)b and with Jerry and Elaine also you see that they see themselves as main characters. Kramer is actually less self-centered I think, but then he literally pinches pennies and schemes to make… Pennies
It’s why many people didn’t like the finale. At the end, they basically shove it in your face and say “Look- You’ve been laughing and empathizing with shitty people. Look at how horrible they are” and folks didn’t like the wakeup call.
I hated it for being a clip show.
I mean yeah I wasn’t a huge fan. But my parents certainly were lol.
Yeah, same. I think Fresh Prince also did one of those every season after the first one and I just hated them. Like I just binged that season a day ago, why show me?
I suspect in the 90s it would’ve been a longer time since you’d last seen the earlier seasons of a show, but even then I imagine it would’ve been boring if you anticipate new content but have to rewatch old shit instead.
See, this is why I can’t watch shows like The Office. My sense of empathy and justice kick in hard and I just can’t laugh at what’s going on. Instead I’m just cringing and dying of sympathetic embarrassment, non-stop, the entire time.
Me too. It is so paintful. What would dozens of people work to produce that?
I can manage the US office but UK office passes my cringe threshold.
Same with How I met your mother. I had numerous people around me have their behavior completely change while watching that show, including my wife. As soon as I pointed it out to my wife she also started looking for it and noticed it as well. She refuses to watch it anymore because of that. It’s a terrible terrible influence on people.
Same here … when I first saw it I was 50% laughing and 50% heart broken. I’ve made big pots of food before and this is my greatest fear … just walking around with it and dropping it all on the floor. I think of this scene every time I’m in the kitchen.
I did it with a lasagne once and it was heartbreaking.
Chili is bad enough but lasagna! … that stuff takes hours to make depending on how elaborate the recipe is. I would have felt so bad about that and in a strange way, I feel bad for you for having that moment. Hopefully, your next one was enjoyed by all.
Cooked from scratch, took at least four hours. It was 15+ years ago and I still remember it vividly.
Dropping a homemade from scratch lasagna … this must explain why 15+ years I felt a sudden twinge in my kitchen while cooking supper - a disturbance in the culinary world. My condolences.
Home cooks 15+ years ago in their kitchens …
I still remember the one time I braved making a homemade lasagna years ago. It took all day. I would have gone on a spree had it been ruined. I’m sorry for your loss.
I have a friend who I suspect has never raised animals, tell me about the “funniest moment on broadcast tv” in excruciating detail. It was the episode of WKRP when they threw turkeys out of a helicopter and instead of flying, they dropped to their deaths. Apparently, that’s really funny.
He also recounted an episode of Night Court when a couple got in trouble accidentally killing a bunch of baby chickens in a propane explosion.
If I didn’t already, I would have sworn off sitcoms from that.
It was all this cringe to me. I just couldn’t stand The Office, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Bridget Jones films, Fleabag, IASIP…cringe humor just makes my heart hurt.
What a reddit ass response.
I came looking for this
Me too, glad I wasn’t disappointed
Glad you came ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
that is what she said
I wish. They’re never glad I came. :(
I cry every teim 😭
You’ve already spilled the beans, so tell us some juicy gossip.
The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth.
There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.
Steinbeck off the top fucking rope.
They sent a fuckin poet!
Who hurt you, OP?
The beans 😥
I like my beans with ketchup, George.
I read an interesting editorial or letter or whatever by the guy who had the idea to fortify cornmeal with niacin and pretty much overnight eradicated pellagra in the southern United States. He was humble about it, it was just a lesson in how the simplest interventions can have a huge effect.
is this a quote from something or did you just come up with this right here on the spot? (this is great)
It’s grapes of wrath by john steinbeck
I’m pretty sure it’s potatoes of the river.
deleted by creator
Let’s get to the red meat! Time to dish!
Next time try just one big bean
This is usually what I imagine when someone says ‘kidney bean’
this is kind of cursed.
It’s easy to fix. Connect another keyboard and use it to install Linux.
That’s the main problem taken care of. As for the beans, IDK, maybe bring a couple of chickens into the office while the installer is copying files?
Sudo root delete beans
They spilled the beans
Where did the nacho cheese come from?
It’s not part of the spill
That’s just your keyboard cheese?
You’re only beginning to ask the right questions. Look deeper.
The keyboard and cheese seems to be of the fake vomit/fake dog poo variety.
I too am curious
Why were the beans even in the office?
I’ve seen some line cooks quit spectacularly before, and if that’s what this was, then it’s both not surprising and the most spectacular adios bitches I’ve seen.
I’m glad somebody else was wondering that!
Are you going to eat all of those spilled beans without spilled nacho cheese? What is wrong with you?
Its looks and probably feels bad… but to be honest, this is a solvable. The main thing lost is the keyboard, and they are not terrible to replace. And your dignity may need some time , but with a little work this will all have bean in the past.
Words can’t describe how happy I am that this is not my problem.
The beans stay in the safe, everyone knows this.
How do I delete someone else’s post?
One day ill learn not to scroll during work hours
I think I’ve cracked the case, guise!
You best believe I won’t be telling you any secrets anytime soon
The real sad part is the lack of leg room under the desk. I can’t imagine sitting all cramped all day.
This looks like the manager’s office at a Taco Bell. I don’t think anyone is sitting there all day.
at home i only eat in the kitchen. at work I never eat at my desk
Put your setup in the kitchen, never work or eat again!
Follow me for more financial tips!
My boss is gonna be so mad at me 😖
I’m mad at you all for using the wrong colour sauce with your baked beans.
Send him or her some bean memes first to soften the mood?
If I was your boss, I’d be more angry that you have the calendar set to September!