This person has also dated onlyfans models before, although I’m gonna guess given how disgusting he is room/hygeine wise and personally that he was being used for clout, so maybe that’s why he hates onlyfans models.
I’ve literally never heard anyone talking about hoeflation
I have, but uhh…let’s just say it isn’t whatever this is. Usually it involves a bicycle pump or similar.
Ever since the Cave update, hoes are the correct tool for breaking mossy blocks so whereas in previous patches I could get away with iron hoes I find myself spending a lot on diamond hoes now.
2010 Asmongold would call 2025 Asmongold certain words for using the terms “hoes” and “hot removed”.
Considering how deep he is in this “hot women in games” culture war, I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing changed, the women stayed the same level of attractive, he just trained himself to find every single flaw, or see regular human features as “man features”.
That’s something psychologically wrong with these people and I wouldn’t be surprised if they start defining this as a form of mental illness. There are studies that found a correlation between bigotry and amygdala disfunction causing a more intense fear response.
I feel like this is a really problematic position to have if you consider reactionary sentiment to be a product of biology and not society. Isn’t the whole purpose of leftist analysis to break down the systems we live under and the results of said system? You have to think you yourself “what is the logical conclusion of the position I hold” what do you do about people if they supposedly have a bigoted amygdala?
I don’t think it’s problematic at all, and this is not an argument of biology. Psychology isn’t this biologically inherent thing. Trauma literally effects how your brain works. PTSD can effect the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex.
If you are constantly being told how scary brown people are, that is going to effect how you process fear. While there are many people who are genuinely vile people and are bigoted because they stand to gain from it materially, there are many others who are victims of societal conditioning.
These people legitimately need therapy so they can learn how to properly process their fears instead of blaming minorities or the “woke” for ruining their fragile conception of reality.
I’m still failing to see how the amygdala is related tbh. Yes they need therapy and education don’t really see where brain parts come into this.
Anyway struggling to find the a study that dictates specifically a dysfunctional amygdala but I did find this
I’m cautious about trying to tie people’s body parts to ideology, society or learned behaviours
That article you linked is not an academic research paper. Here’s a better one on the phenomenon.
I brought it up because knowing how the brain works is important to addressing these things. By pointing out how certain learned behaviors can be directly tied to certain brain functions you give people a deeper understanding of themselves. When taught that their reaction to minorities is an irrational response brought about by their brain, they can learn to ignore these feelings.
I understand why you’re hesitant to draw these connections though. psychology is a field of science that the Nazis heavily abused to their own genocidal ends but that does not invalidate the field in its entirety.
This is quite literally what they have been doing and has happened because its all manufactured outrage
Love the Eyup Lovely orbital strike there.
Just killed him.
He does seem like the kind of guy who would stalk a woman through Target.
Shit has happened to me before, can confirm he looks like the kinda guy that would.
Or maybe they stopped working there because they got fed up with getting sexually harrassed by creepy gamers all the time?
Going to just assume it’s engagement bait to preserve my sanity
How pitiful is it, the person who can’t find beauty in other humans.
Saying a lot about himself that he doesn’t go anywhere where he sees attractive women.
Yeah like, sounds like a you problem dude, I see hot people of all genders pretty frequently
Like the old joke used to be nerds would go into gamestop and spill their spaghetti over the girl working at the counter. But my guy is that nerd and he doesn’t have a lick of shame about it.
Can’t even bring my pasta into the game store anymore because of woke.
excuse me what is your spaghetti policy?
I too remember the days when the staff at Target was nothing but super models.
In hot girl Target they pronounce it “Tar-Jay”
Guy is going to be caught using a “hot bitch’s” corpse as an alarm clock one day. An extremely gross human, he.
Guy is going to be caught using a “hot bitch’s” corpse as an alarm clock one day.
This guy once used a dead rat’s corpse as an alarm clock because when the sun came up, the rat would start to smell from being in the sunlight
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
the fuck