Lemmy follows CommonMark, which is similar but not exactly the same as what was used in The Other Place. I do wish Lemmy supported some form of in-line spoilers.
If it were still visible, I bet art students would pay extra to stay in that room. I wonder how Watterson would feel about that.
This episode of Star Wars is brought to you by the letter E, and the number 2187.
He of course looks like Calvin’s dad
But with Uncle Max’s mustache. That’s a key difference.
TFA was decent. By the time TRoS came around, Rian had taken the story in a different direction and left JJ to pick up the pieces. If there was a consistent storyline planned from the start, things could have been much better.
Yes, but since faces are essentially distributed over a cylinder, rather than a sphere, it is more of an issue.
Wow. There are so few exposed studs, it almost doesn’t look like Lego.
“52 weeks o’ fart”
The particles are “semi-Dirac fermions”:
Instead of moving forwards in a kind of river of electric current, [the electrons] began to trace out circular trajectories, like eddies in that river. And because they were so cold, they were also susceptible to quantum effects, meaning each acted like a wave that self-reinforced as it flowed around the eddy. These behaviours caused the semi-Dirac fermions to emerge.
Not exactly sure what a “semi-Dirac fermion” is, but it seems like another case of electrons doing weird sh*t at low temperatures.
An E?
Why is he drawing George? Seems like Benjamin would have a higher return on the time invested… perhaps George was the highest denomination he could get a reference bill for?
He looks like he’s already had enough of our sh*t.
Nice to see some more writing communities on Lemmy. Not sure if I’ll have much to contribute, but if I do, I’ll know where to post it!
there is no post at all for the moment?
I currently see two posts. If you are the first user from your server to visit the community, you might need to subscribe to trigger federation, which could take a minute or two.
Thanks. Now that I hear it, I am familiar with the song, but had never watched the music video.
Good bot!
shouldn’t you be able to go to 240?
Not really. The faces of the D120 are already asymmetric (scalene) triangles. There’s no way to split these into additional faces while keeping them all the same shape.
Any larger geometrically fair die would have to be from an infinite family (prisms, bipyramids, and trapezohedra), which are “impractical in reality due to the tendency to roll for a long time”.
there are gaps between some faces and there arent on others, so it really isnt well balanced
But as long as all the faces are the same size, and the die never lands on the gaps (or is rerolled if it does), would that be a fair die?
they arose, and passing over Hithlum
To me, this implies some form of flight, since they passed over, rather than through some place.
I just got here and don’t know the backstory, but this looks super cool.
Anyone remember when Feliks got the first sub-1-minute 5x5 single? Crazy how the record has almost been halved since then.