• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • There also needs to be some way to indicate that a JSON construct is a Set, Map, plain object, or array. You’d want a date/time type as well.

    Without breaking existing JSON parsers, the way to do that is to add metadata like a _type field to an object, or to add a “sidecar” object like superjson does. Which works but is ugly IMO.

    Then there’s BSON, YAML, JSON Schema, and the one we don’t mention ₓₘₗ. To my knowledge all of those could be extended in a way to support new types, but require the producer and consumer to both understand and follow whatever convention you use. They lack the universal interchangeability of JSON.

  • The Fisker Ocean has solar panels on its roof. It can add 4 or 5 miles a day if fully exposed to the sun.

    Not enough to matter. It’s a gimmick.

    If you don’t have an EV, you may think that EV owners are worried about range, and they’d welcome any increase. I have not found this to be true.

    It’s more like having a car that starts every day with a full tank. You’re never going to burn through that in a single day. Pretty soon you don’t care about range, efficiency, or pay much attention to the battery meter. It only matters if you’re on a road trip, which for me is a couple times a year.

    I would not want to give up a nice full-roof sunroof for a few extra miles a day.

  • Use this shortcut from Ricky Mondello, the lead for Apple’s password development team.

    I get the feeling they wanted to do a Passwords app for some time but needed to get, probably executive-level, buy-in to get it done.

    Apple will get bad PR about this: they are “Sherlocking” password managers. 1Password will write a blog post about how this is actually good for them because now password management is mainstream; 3rd party password managers will decide to focus more on the enterprise market; Microsoft will come out with a competing password manager that re-uses the name of a previous product and is bundled with Edge, etc. How it always goes.