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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • My daughter was just diagnosed with SLE about a month ago. My mother passed away 7 years ago from it, and my sister has it as well and isn’t doing very well either. If she survives another couple of years I’ll be surprised. It is a horrible thing to go through. I feel so much hurt that my daughter, my own flesh and blood, is going through this. It is one of those things that I cannot really help her to overcome. I feel so powerless. Not looking for advice really, just throwing this out there that there are many people that suffer from this disease. I myself have type 1 diabetes, but it is nothing compared to what you all have to go through. You have my sympathy and I pray that they find a cure to this sometime soon! I hope it is okay if I keep checking on this site for updates, and share them with my daughter if anything applies to her situation.

  • I think most of us have been there at sometime in our past. It is difficult, for sure. I have had to take classes on how to do small talk in order to find ways through this, because I need to be able to work my way through these situations for my job. It is tricks like - you mentioned the guy works construction - so ask him what type of things he is building. How did he get into that position. Is construction what he has wanted to do his whole life, or how did he land that type of job. You need to ask questions that will provoke another person’s opinions (whether you like their answers or not) and usually they start to spill their personal stories quite easily. Share a few anecdotes when you can to keep things moving forward. But I agree - it is difficult and very uncomfortable.