Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • I checked to make sure. I remembered Dio as more hostile than he was, though he certainly has some condemnation, he’s on the whole pro-Caesar, while I remembered him as more negative. Suetonius relates positive and negative stories about him, but regards his assassination as just. Plutarch is more in-line with what I was thinking.

    I would’ve sworn to passages in one of Tacitus’s works heavily critical on Caesar, but if they exist, Google is too fucked to give quick access, and I don’t have the energy to paw through all of Tacitus’s works to find a few paragraphs that probably aren’t even the focus of the chapter.

    Maybe I’m thinking of letters rather than histories?

  • I assume this is aimed at me XD

    Is that how you get meme material for !

    No, mostly I just steal memes from elsewhere. I’m generally too lazy to make memes myself.

    How often do you think of the Roman Empire?

    Every day, unironically. Not every hour, but definitely multiple times every day. It’s my fascination.

    If I’m not thinking about Rome, I’m thinking about Roman-derived concepts. I fancy myself a writer, so I spend a lot of time in my own headspace - but that just means it’s time for FANTASY Rome!

    When I’m well enough to take walks, I think about general historical issues and how they connect through the ages… and since my core of knowledge centers around Rome, Rome almost always features at some point during the train of thought. I might consider WW1 packaged rations, Civil War hardtack, and starvation in the Revolutionary War, but I’ll also think about the prominence of meat and bread in the diet of Roman legionaries. When I think about the application of advanced concepts with primitive techniques, post-apocalyptic style, my thoughts often flit to Roman methods of engineering and organization.

    Sometimes, it’s just something simple, a flash of daydream qualia, like connecting the sound of my footsteps to the stamping march of a Roman Legion, or the gentle click of my cane to the walking stick of a Roman traveler along the via munita, or the smell of my pancakes to a streetside thermopolium serving honey flatcakes on a holiday.

  • Americans, how do you cope? What’s your take on the situation?

    Trying not to think about it. It very well may lead to my death, but so does every avenue radical enough to avert it by my personal intervention.

    I think the hardest part considering it is how okay people are with everything that’s going on. Despite the high levels of copium from liberals and leftists about how there’s TOTALLY a grassroots movement ready to rise up, the fact is… there isn’t. The protests are smaller this time 'round than they were last time. Public opinion is more in favor of Trump than it was at the start of his last administration.

    Many of us noted that this country isn’t as left as many of the “Trump will make the moderates SEE that fascism is BAD!” types wanted to believe it was. We were ignored.

    People live in a bubble, where what they want to believe is true, and goddamn reality.

    Anyway. I’m fucked, and just trying to stay alive until I can’t avoid dusting off my old suicide plans.

  • Combining posting activity and views per posts yields us with this perspective of total views. Different rates of amplification mean that the already big differences in posting activity are magnified. So this is what happened. We can easily see how we get to TikTok, as an environment, having much more Pro-Palestinian content than Pro-Israel content. We can also see that for much of October 2023, General content was by far the most dominant. But these data alone cannot tell us why there were such meaningful differences in views per post. There is at least one thing we can rule out, however. This effect doesn’t appear to be tied to user engagement.