• 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Are you displacing whole ecosystems, though?
    How much do wind farms affect grasslands and prairies, etc? They’ll have an impact for sure, but it’s not like the whole place gets paved over.
    And solar can get placed on roofs of existing structures. Or distributed so it doesn’t affect any one area too much.

    I have to admit idk much about sourcing the materials involved in building solar panels and windmills. Idk if they require destructive mining operations.
    I imagine that a nuclear reactor would require more concrete, metal, and rate earth magnets that a solar/wind farm, but idk. I likewise don’t know the details about mining and refining the various fissile material and nuclear poisons.

    The other advantage of renewables is that it’s distributed so it’s naturally redundant. If it needs to get shut down (repairs, or a problem with the grid) it wont have a big impact.

    I like nuclear, and it’s certainly the better choice for some locations, but many locations seems better suited for renewable

  • YOU are the final boss 🫵!

    copilot prompt

    a man in his 40s staring in the bathroom mirror of his lower-middleclass home. he is gripping the sink to brace himself. natural morning light comes through the window. he looks worn down. his reflection in the mirror shows a two-thirds empty videogame healthbar over his head. somber. photorealistic.

    I am my own greatest challenge and toughest enemy. I have put myself through the ringer, but one day I will defeat myself!

    I’ma be honest, as I was making it, I forgot what the theme was and thought it was “the final boss”. But I had already committed to the idea, so here it is in it’s depressing epic glory. Now where did I put my pill planner?