• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I love this take. It reminds me of like that picture of a guy in a hoodie and sunglasses from the early 20th century, or when an older show or movie has a line that seems to refer to the name of something that hadn’t been invented at the time, but it’s actually referring to something else.

    Or like when they fix time travel paradox in a story by faking an ‘inescapable’ event.

    It’s perfect.

  • My right to exist. I’m a trans woman who is very aware that I may need to flee the country in the next few years depending on where things go. I’m extremely aware of the attacks on my life and my access to the medication I need. This shit is not abstract for me.

    There’s a very big difference between having lipservice support from the federal government while living in a state that’s literally one of the best places on Earth to transition, and hoping said state will protect me from a federal government that’s actively hostile.

    Are federal Democrats actively allies to trans people? Eh.

    Are Massachusetts Democrats? You bet your ass they are. We’ve got more rights than trans people in most of the EU. We have informed consent, mandatory insurance coverage for trans health care, actual legal protection from discrimination.

    You act like there’s no difference, but I’m literally better protected here than I would be anywhere outside of like maybe like the Netherlands.

    I’m not in this to act like a high school child, I’m in it because people want to fucking wipe me and everyone like me out.