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Joined 14 days ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2025

  • The conditions (captured media, broken education, economic slavery) explain widespread ignorance about how leopards are going to eat their faces, but not the apathy when it actually happens. And hopelessness only suppresses resistance until you run out of things to lose.

    It’s not like there aren’t plenty of MAGA faithful currently Finding Out, either (and by that I specifically mean coming to realize either who the true oppressors are or what substantially worse looks like).

    Whether I understand it or not, however, I must remember that no group of humans is fundamentally different from another. Whatever makes them different in aggregate form does come down to conditioning - possibly over generations, but conditioning nevertheless. That knowledge is all that keeps me from permanently succumbing to empathy fatigue.

  • Ok this Wilkinson dude has my respect.

    I’m pretty heartened overall as I take a closer look across our nation and actually find politicians doing earnest good work, standing up to private interests, and collaboratively defending our nation. Names I’d never heard six months ago I count among heroes today. And the fact that they’re even in a position to do anything at all is because a sufficient share of Canadians are voting for them - it does our nation a credit we can’t afford to take for granted these days.

    I’ve never been prouder to be Canadian. 🍁

  • Are neoliberals not ultimately conservatives? This is politics, where everything is doublespeak. Hence, Liberal is actually conservative, and Conservative is actually…something beyond that. Heck, consider how we even got the term neoliberal, i.e. freedom for businesses instead of people. 😛

    As much as I would prefer not to be cutting back on any ecological objectives, I have to admit we have a lot of really high priorities that are going to be very expensive. I won’t pretend to be informed enough to stake a firm position, but at a high level it feels like a reasonable choice.

  • I’m not in Quebec and I don’t know what effects religious symbols are actually having. Someone who claimed to be from Quebec described a couple examples to me that sounded pretty reasonable - things like someone from one religion being condemned and sentenced/fined by a judge wearing overt symbols of an opposing religion. Until I have concrete data either validating or discrediting the impact or actual occurrence of such scenarios, I’m inclined to at least consider them.

    All examples were closely tied to religious influence on top of a substantial power imbalance and wouldn’t really translate beyond that situation. I don’t see it as being particularly different from trying to dictate who someone can date or engage in sexual activity. That’s insane out of context - then add the context of a pre-existing boss-employee relationship.

  • I am anti-theist, and fuck no to banning public displays of anything. It’s in the name - public. Public space belongs to everyone. Freedom of expression should not be a privilege restricted to people who can afford to buy or rent a place to exercise it.

    If you can prove harm, we can ban the harm. Any and all bans must be tightly focused on restricting only harm and to a greater degree than it inherently restricts freedom. Elsewise, we’re just oppressing dissent/diversity and essentially abandoning freedom itself as a core value. And the fact that we’re talking about dictating what people can do on or with their own bodies raises the stakes that much higher. Seriously, this is a dangerous path and the hazards far greater than any possible reward.

    Tax religion. Remove their privilege. Do not create a new underclass.

  • I heard arguments about it in other spaces that made a lot of sense to me. Like a judge who ought to be able to visibly set their religion aside while exercising their authority, rather than signaling possible conflicts of interest in the very office such would compromise. I think I’m even on board with that reasoning. By that same reasoning, maybe it’s appropriate to also restrict displays of religious affiliation by school staff.

    But why students?

    That’s blatant cultural suppression and I cannot conceive a remotely coherent justification for it. And why the focus specifically on people showing their faces? Can you imagine if we mandated a certain amount of cleavage? How the fuck is this anybody’s business?

    This just has me re-evaluating the cultural protectionism/outgroup suppression I’d previously deemed adequately justified.