They can’t be appeased. Enough profit is never enough
Canadian feds should get shares for each dollar subsidized into their market. Why they eat the profits while tax payers get hosed?
Just imagine… Air Canada, Bombardier and O&G companies would be mainly a crown corp
Sovereign wealth fund from capturing value from our citizens efforts? Reaks of socialism, but not entirely convinced capitalism is working for the everyman
Ok this Wilkinson dude has my respect.
I’m pretty heartened overall as I take a closer look across our nation and actually find politicians doing earnest good work, standing up to private interests, and collaboratively defending our nation. Names I’d never heard six months ago I count among heroes today. And the fact that they’re even in a position to do anything at all is because a sufficient share of Canadians are voting for them - it does our nation a credit we can’t afford to take for granted these days.
I’ve never been prouder to be Canadian. 🍁
Lucky enough to live in his district…he’s a real one. His newsletters really show his humanity in dealing with complex issues.
The way carbon tax and dividend was supposed to play out was as a test for the world using one of the most educated populations in the world. While smart financial people (tend to be rich) could rationally invest in reducing their carbon use, anticipating every higher tax/dividend, and teach others of the financial benefits, the reality was US assisted oil/conservative disinformation, essentially smart rich financial people understanding that corruption is the rational investment.
What makes “drill baby drill” climate terrorism normal is war that all parties support. The “heating fuel price crisis” is directly to our unanimous provocation of war on Russia, and global diesel (same distillation fraction as heating fuel) refinery capacity at maximum because of use in that war. If war, historically always over oil and industry profit maximization, is easy to make a priority then nothing else can ever matter. Sustainability can only be considered during prosperity and cohesion, and war not only prevents that, it is the easy path to derail concern for sustainability. In despair, a politician promising that cannibalism is the obvious solution to the in group, is easy to believe when media goes along with it.
Renewables/EVs globally are now reducing emissions. Fossil electricity down over 10% in Europe, In China, almost flat with 8.5% electricity growth, and drought affected Hydro production. Oil demand down close to 10% in China. The lies that the world needs “the US’s peaceful energy” is either a lie to defraud US investors, or the continued certainty of amplifying more war to derail climate sustainability. If the US will be so corrupt as to pursue “energy dominance”, it must be destroyed economically. Those who wish to “join in on the corruption” must be silenced, and further investments are necessarily dumb if US is going to tariff our FF energy, and to top it all off, we remain dedicated to war on China, Russia, and Iran, and have no customers for the FF developments.
I would like to remind you that we didn’t provoke Russia into bombing Georgia, or invading Ukraine.
Fuck fossil fuels, but fuck the narrative that the Russian government isn’t fully culpable for their acts of war and invasions.
It is simply disinformation that CIA/US empire activities in both of those nations were not done to install Russian hating nazis into power. Both those countries forced secessionist reactions within their countries, which Russia was allowed/entitled/provoked to protect. Georgian criminal CIA puppet at the time was a Ukrainian who is now mayor of Odessa.
The pure disinformation and disrespect for Russia’s self defense, and defense of massacred/persecuted ethnic Russians in allies turned against Russia by US interference, is propaganda support that Canada should stop giving to US, when Canada is also on the destabilization list of the US empire. The propaganda that makes you hate Russia is entirely aimed at you, and aimed at supporting a losing, climate destroying, war on fabricated hate. Russians overwhelmingly understand US empire as evil that hates them, and no amount of it will get them to accept the absurdity that “NATO is a purely defensive alliance”.
We won’t be able to. The EU has stricter climate goals. If we want to trade with them (which we do) Canada can’t abandon climate goals. Carney said today Canada would implement carbon capture.
Carbon capture is as uneconomic as on budget nuclear. World leading project was done in SK at cost of $10/watt ($1B for 100mw coal turbine). Captures 65% of emissions. Solar that would use the coal plant just in winter, and other backup would reduce more emissions and costs under $1/watt. Not taking solar/batteries from China makes our energy expensive, and our war antagonism prevents our farmers from selling their output to biggest market, and minerals to country that actually uses them.
Carbon capture doesn’t really help meet climate goal. Burning less and less fossil fuels does.
Oh. I’ll watch that video, I don’t really know a lot about what’s involved.
This is refreshing to hear after the Alberta Premier’s latest demands to roll back climate policy.