• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I mean, one of the central goals of communism to abolish ownership of the means of production.

    Software used to produce something of value is a resource that in a communist society should not be owned. The only way to achieve this is to let everything be opensource.

    So communists clearly like the free software movement, whether inverse is true is a matter for debate.

  • Someone posted a can of beans in lemmy.world’s shitpost community and said lemmy users will upvote anything. It got a couple thousand likes and rose to the top of the feed. I found it mildly funny at the time, but the way it is still beeing regurgitated reminds me to much of reddit.

  • If you’re new to linux and want to stay safe I have a couple of tips:

    Never run commands you don’t understand. Research what they are doing before you run them. Try to become used to doing everything from the commandline. It may be daunting at first, but it helps understanding what the GUIs do and hiw to fix things if they break.

    Use the packagemanagement of your distribution where possible. For example in ubuntu use the “apt” command to install software from the commandline or the software center to install them from the GUI. I’d avoid .deb files from random internet sites as installing them is the equivalent of installing random .exe-s on Windows. It could be safe but you don’t really know for sure. tar.gz-files are the compressed source code of the application so while technically more transparent as a newbie i’d still avoid them.

    Choose a widely used distro. Especially as a newbie it can be difficult do assess what’s wrong. It helps if there are a lot of other new users googling the same problem.

    To start I’d suggest Ubuntu on a Virtualbox-VM. Make frequent snapshots so you don’t have to reinstall your whole system if you break something.

    For most older windows only offline games someone usually has already created a bottle or made an installer on playonlinux. With online games anticheat might act up (I tried valorant and LoL, both didn’t work)