• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Appreciate that dwarf fortress is an 18 year old game. They first released it in 2006 and even then the interface was clunky and never a priority. It is a dwarf simulation engine first and an interactive game second.

    RimWorld owes its existence to Dwarf Fortress the way Halo owes its existence to Doom, or World of Warcraft owes its existence to RuneScape. Dwarf Fortress is the precursor for all games like RimWorld. So comparing their interfaces will always set Dwarf Fortress up to lose, just like if you compared the controls in Halo against the original Doom. I think you have to approach Dwarf Fortress more like playing a piece of gaming history, and a look into the world of a very interesting human, Tarn Adams, rather than a modern game competing against modern titles.

  • Boinkage@lemmy.worldto3DPrinting@lemmy.world[Solved] Help wanted
    13 days ago

    Have you looked up settings for this new resin? Or run calibration test prints with it? If you’re using the settings for the old resin with a different kind of resin it won’t be right. It looks like your exposure time is too low, the resin isn’t being cured enough at each layer so it’s not adhering. Bump up the exposure time a lot and see if anything comes out. Also bump support thickness and connection thickness up. You can see the supports not even making full connection with that spear in the photo.