Babs [she/her]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I just live my life assuming everyone will immediately know that I’m trans. It makes it way more fun when they don’t. I also live somewhere where being trans hasn’t come with many disadvantages so I have the luxury of being openly trans.

    I spent years obsessing about passing, but it was deeply unhealthy. I have really inaccurate self-perception so even letting myself care about it caused massive amounts of stress over every aspect of my appearance.

    If I could just be cis, or just look cis, I would still take that option though. Not because of external societal forces, but because I am a maelstrom of dysphoria and dysmorphia and I think it would shut my brainworms up a bit.

  • One of my gaming friends is being very silly. A few years ago, my bf’s ex broke up with him. She was a part of our gaming group, and it was a pretty messy breakup for a lot of reasons. However, it was years ago and she and bf have been friends since childhood, so they made up as friends and things are cool again. They’re besties, me and her are good friends, everything is peachy.

    Right now she’s visiting from out of town and staying with us, so we invited her to game night as a “special guest star” in our Pathfinder game, as is custom with visiting friends. Except not, because one of our players has decided that they will not game with her anymore. They’d rather stay home from game night, than to play with someone they had no real prior relationship with but has disliked since the breakup. They’re taking it harder than my bf, even years later!

    It’s frustrating, like buddy she has done you no wrong and literally everyone else in our game group is friends with her again, come roll dice with us.

  • Was recently talking about this with a friend who gets this from her doctor and is paying out the ass even with insurance, and another whose doctor refuses to prescribe it because “there is a shortage”. Semaglutide is like $40 for a 5ml vial from Chinese labs (that’s about 2 weeks at the highest dose), but we are trained to be afraid of self-medding or even talking to doctors about sourcing our meds outside of “official” pharmacies.

    The cost of pharmaceuticals is so artificial. A vial of estrogen is like…hundreds of dollars if you buy it from a pharmacy, like $65 if you get it from a Brazilian weeb, and cheap as hell if you buy raws from china and compound them yourself? Makes no sense.