I’ll give you the fact that the Dragon Ball and Berserk (97) anime both have amazing scores that make reading the comic more enjoyable since I can often imagine the music in my head lol
Are we talking the original or Z? Cause I can recall with Z that when I watched it on American TV it had a different theme song than Canadian broadcasts. American one was a dude yelling “DRAGON! DRAGON! HUH! DRAGON DRAGON!” and a sweet double picked lead and the Canadian one was more midtempo and had normal dudes harmozing “Dragon dragon ball” and then a death metal guy would go “DragonBall ZEEEEEEEE”. I did watch the dub of non Z DragonBall way back but I was super young when it aired.
It drives me nuts that two of your three top anime are manga adaptations where the manga is a lot better lol
Not arguing with you there!
I’ll give you the fact that the Dragon Ball and Berserk (97) anime both have amazing scores that make reading the comic more enjoyable since I can often imagine the music in my head lol
It’s criminal that funimation fucked up the ost to dragon ball so badly.
Are we talking the original or Z? Cause I can recall with Z that when I watched it on American TV it had a different theme song than Canadian broadcasts. American one was a dude yelling “DRAGON! DRAGON! HUH! DRAGON DRAGON!” and a sweet double picked lead and the Canadian one was more midtempo and had normal dudes harmozing “Dragon dragon ball” and then a death metal guy would go “DragonBall ZEEEEEEEE”. I did watch the dub of non Z DragonBall way back but I was super young when it aired.
Z, with the butt rock rock the dragon intro. Give me Cha-La Head-Cha-La any day over that.
I had no idea how much the Japanese digimon ost was a ripoff.
You can thank Haim Saban for that - he’s also a huge Zionist lmao