im not sure where else to post this. it’s a bit of a vent, but I’m not gonna take too long

I’ve been on mastodon for 7-8 years now. mastodon has been pretty cool because unlike other social media, it allowed me to form closer ties to the people there. but this also made me realize how hurtful I can be to people who care about me

making a long story short: mastodon gave me a sense of security about expressing myself, so I went all out. just said whatever came to mind, responded to people honestly, etc. most of the time I always try not to insult anyone, especially when replying to people I care about. one friend made me realize I was being too combative for no reason sometimes and then I decided to take things easier

still, that didn’t prevent me from hurting people I care about, which led me to be blocked by people I interacted a lot and who I considered to be friends a few times. one of those times, I was soft-blocked and saw the guy subtoot about me, so I knew what it was about and had the chance to reach out and apologize. he accepted my apologies, but said I sometimes come across as needlessly aggressive, which, according to him, contradicts what people who know me personally say about me. the other times I wasn’t so lucky, so I just got blocked and have no idea why

all this reminds me of my childhood, when people constantly told me I’m annoying and that I should be quiet, which probably rendered me into a very quiet and shy teenager. I remember taking the piss out of people and enjoying it, so maybe people are right

not sure what to think of it. in the flesh world, people around me say I’m one of the nicest people they know, that I’m very caring and kind. some people say that about me on mastodon too, but I wonder if it’s all just a mask and the true me is the annoying kid I suppressed early in my life.

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    3 months ago

    mastodon gave me a sense of security about expressing myself, so I went all out. just said whatever came to mind, responded to people honestly, etc. most of the time I always try not to insult anyone, especially when replying to people I care about. one friend made me realize I was being too combative for no reason sometimes

    Aaaah when did I write this post? Except I just did all of this here in the span of a year, lmao. There’s somethin fucked up about talking online I swear.

    I learned a longasd while ago that there’s still a difference between “not masking, cool and good” and “just being an asshole”, like there are things I should not say because genuinely it would be a shit thing to say, even if I am always trying not to be an asshole. No goofy social norms involved.

    I blame neurotypicals for fudging the distinction as the reason why I learned this shit so late.