meio errada a manchete. dá a entender que foi linus que fez o “defensor” sair do kernel, mas na verdade linus foi omisso
“/f/tankieposting”. doesn’t look like reddit
is it calling me a wanker in spanish?
unfortunately not all thinkpads are made the same. it seems that, for a while now, lenovo takes a bunch of cheaper laptops and slaps the thinkpad label on them
i personally had a better experience with dell’s latitude line, but ymmv
Whatever price you find for a refurbished M2, take that money and go find a laptop known to be well supported on Linux, it’ll just be a better experience and you’ll probably get more for your money.
not an apple user, but apple is well known for their build quality. what other laptop manufacturer is on par with apple’s build quality?
how long until linus intervenes and tells rust haters to shut the fuck up?
rust não sai mais do kernel. ponto. a iniciativa foi acolhida por linus e por greg kh (entre outros), tá entrando cada vez mais código rust na mainline. rust no kernel é um fato
o que vai acontecer é que esses devs que não gostam da presença de rust no kernel vão ficar fazendo birra e atrapalhando o trabalho de todo mundo, vai ficar acontecendo picuinha e vai ficar cada vez pior até que linus vai chegar, vai dar um grito e todo mundo vai calar a boca e aceitar
verdade que nacionalismo imperialista e nacionalismo anti-imperialista nem se comparam, mas essa mensagem pode estar se escorando num sentimento pequeno-imperialista que é bem tradicional de uma parte pequena da direita brasileira
tem muita coisa meio estranha, tipo: o brasil também não é dos estrangeiros (haitianos, sírios, angolanos, etc) que chegam aqui pra tentar uma vida melhor? qual é a mensagem que tá sendo passada pra eles?
it hasn’t been confirmed, but it makes sense. in one of my conversations with deepseek, it explicitly told me, unprompted, that it was “chatgpt” and it was trained by openai. people told me it was just “hallucinating”, but why would it hallucinate being trained specifically by openai? so yeah, they probably did the thing where they ask questions to chathpt to train their model
but as the saying goes, ladrão que rouba ladrão tem 100 anos de perdão
o problema não é o nacionalismo, o problema é a gente mirar na soberania nacional e acertar num enéas 2.0
🤵: você troca uma direita entreguista por uma direita nacionalista e pequeno-imperialista?
🎧: siiiiiiimmm
também recebi isso. deve tá querendo ganhar engajamento no fediverso e aí saiu atirando um monte de dm justamente pra chamar a atenção
to play with, sure. but in the case of a backup machine, you want something reliable, rock-solid, low maintenance and easy to use, which is why I recommended debian
I don’t think there’s any useful way to put it to regular use for yourself, but you could:
*though i imagine the battery is not in good shape given your “beaten up” description
unrelated but why is that window so massive?
the usa after china diplomacies its way into global dominance: “guess i’ll die now”
this is likely to keep as much people on windows as possible in an effort prevent people from being able to disable (or not have at all) things like location tracking, telemetry, etc. the us govt is probably going to crack down hard on “terrorist” threats (aka socialists, palestine supporters, and even anyone moderately critical of us imperialism), so they’re gonna need all the information they can gather about people’s online activities
i bought an orange juicer. been making orange juice every other day. it’s awesome
and i’m not even over my dishwasher high