Partner is sending me medicine and kleenex, and im gonna take an HR screening call for a job I applied to, but beyond that I have nothing going on today.

Watching YouTube slop rn, and gonna watch FMA: Brotherhood when my partner is off work. Might play some Dragons Crown too. The thing that’s gonna suck the most that I have to do today is take the pups out when they need to go - pretty dizzy and lightheaded.

What do you like to do when you’re sick and have the day to yourself?

BRB gonna go try and eat a kiwi

  • socialnuju [she/her]
    27 days ago

    It’s a mix of tea, warm milk with honey, chicken soup, and endless binge-watching-of-whatever-is-available or audiobooks for me, mostly. Once I’m feeling slightly better, I usually try gaming to figure out how dizzy I still am, and then take it from there.

    Either way, get well soon and say hi to the pups, love!