Tian Xia is their ‘Asian fusion’ continent, has a lot of different regions and governments all dreamt up by a very wide cast of writers in Asia, but most seem to be from Shanghai and Hong Kong.
I am told that if you speak some Asian languages, these are very fun names to look at.
Big bads:
cw: spider
cw: spider
cw: spider
super saiyan cat
adorable forest fey
racially diverse ‘western’ explorers and refugees, technically a ‘hong kongesque’ situation without brutal colonialism:
this is qin shi huangdi except the elixir actually worked
before anyone gets weirded out by the elves, all pathfinder elves look like this, even ones from ‘western’ or ‘african’ areas
fantasy korea
sassy snake deity
, historically have a bent towards holy actions and lawful good stuff. you can just be a normal human mother and randomly give birth to a samsaran
https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Samsaran https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-samsaran/
Lawful good is 'ight.
In fact, I tend to like it quite a bit.