Be honest

    7 months ago

    Unironically, yes.

    I’ve told this story other times, but here it goes.

    It was around the start of the pandemic. I was living with my gf in the last floor of an apartment building. We had a little terrace like area, where we could go out and see the sky etc.

    It was dark, but not too late. We were getting ready to go to bed, and I as always was having my goodnight cigarette, alone outside.

    Eventually, I saw to the north, pretty far away, a thing in the sky. At first, what popped into my head, was balloons. Black, shiny, balloons. A bunch of them, tied up together, floating in the sky.

    I kept looking at it, cause even if it was just balloons it was kinda weird. Like a bunch of black balloons randomly floating in the sky at midnight?

    It came closer and closer, very slowly. And it still looked like balloons. Like black spheres, floating around each other, slightly shifting with the wind.

    It wasn’t until they were pretty close that I started to get a different idea.

    The shapes didn’t really look like spheres anymore. They looked more like “holes” in the clouds. Like infinitely black holes. Still writhing and shifting against each other. But not “3D” anymore.

    Then suddenly, the shapes all coalesced into one sphere. Rather circular, but clearly just one shape. When that happened, I ran to call my girlfriend.

    When we came back seconds later, we both saw the bigger sphere just “spit out” a smaller sphere. Then smaller sphere started to orbit around the bigger one.

    The shape kept coming closer and closer. We were both at awe and didn’t speak a single word.

    When it was basically on top of us, maybe 100m above us, it stopped.

    It stayed still for a second, then it got REALLY WEIRD. The bigger sphere took the shape of a person. Arms, legs, shoulders, head. Then the smaller did the same, but a smaller person.

    I was smiling from ear to ear, incredulous this was actually happening.

    The bigger person-shaped-thing seemed to look right at me. And it waved. I waved back. It seemed satisfied. It joined hands with the smaller person-shaped-thing and started to dance in a circle, almost jumping in “joy”.

    That was the most amazing thing I ever saw. And it’s burned into my brain forever.

    When I came to it, and looked back at my gf, she was paralysed in fear, tears pouring from her eyes, moth agape. I hugged her and asked what was wrong. She couldn’t answer.

    I looked back at the shapes, and the bigger one looked disappointed. Like shoulders hunched, head down.

    It slowly turned back into a ball, and so did the smaller shape. The smaller shape went back into the bigger one, and they slowly started to disappear, getting smaller and smaller. Like they were going up. But since the shapes looked like holes, it was hard to understand what was “further”.

    I kept looking at that “hole” for maybe 30min, until it disappeared completely.

    Afterwards I asked my girlfriend why she was so afraid. She said she didn’t realise she was, she didn’t even feel herself cry. But thinking about it then, she felt they were going to take me away. I kinda felt the same, but I wasn’t afraid of that.

    We never saw them again. But I do hope, every time I go out at night and the sky looks similar, that they will come back…

        7 months ago

        It was by far the weirdest most amazing thing that ever happened to me. And I never found anyone with a similar story, online or otherwise. So yeah…

        I wouldn’t believe it if my girlfriend didn’t see the exact same thing tbh.

            7 months ago

            I mean they didn’t “feel” fucked up, or evil, or anything like that. They felt… normal? Like they got excited I waved back. Actual joy you know.

            I do believe that UFOs are likely something non-physical, and what I saw was similar to what people used to call “angels” or “demons”.

            But they seemed pretty chill, idk.

            • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
              7 months ago

              I do believe that UFOs are likely something non-physical, and what I saw was similar to what people used to call “angels” or “demons”.

              You should check out Jacques Vallee’s works on UFOs and encounters, he works from a hypothesis that whatever they are what ancient man was calling angels and demons, it’s interesting stuff.

  • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
    7 months ago

    I’m not saying there’s no aliens out there. Hundreds of billions of stars in the average galaxy, hundreds of billions of galaxies, and our absolutely standard normal boring main-sequence G-type sun had life evolve around it? Statistically speaking there’s plenty of life out there. The idea that Earth alone evolved life in the entire universe is ridiculous.

    But visiting Earth? Nah. I want to see authentic video from multiple angles and the video before I’ll believe. Half the planet is walking around with HD video cameras on their person. If aliens were regularly visiting Earth it would have been all over social media by now.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I’m a drake equation guy. They probabilistically exist but we don’t yet have the tools to detect them. If they do exist, without the right telescopes yet the only encounters we’d have with them are chance ones by their choice/accident. The idea of a UFO sighting is acceptable to me for that reason with a lot of scepticism because it’s the least likely thing someone is seeing in a sky full of things.

    That being said, I know of one really weird one which was widely witnessed. There was a police and military coverup. There was an electrical blackout as it passed over.

    Around 2008-2010, there was black triangle which flew over central Indiana. I heard independent accounts of it across two counties, Miami and Howard. In Miami County the otherwise non-woo person saw a massive black triangle float silently over their house. The lights went out as it did. Her description matched the much more famous sightings in Illinois. Both of her sons saw it at their houses where it did the same thing. In Howard County it was associated with orange orbs. Two accounts I heard there described one crashing in a field south of Kokomo. The area was immediately cordoned off by the sheriff and some branch of the military to remove it. The orbs were behaving in the same way they’re typically described- flying in formation and periodically merging together into a larger one. It was described by the local Air National Guard as discharged flares, but people in that area live near an airbase so that’s something they’re used to. These orbs were flying deliberately in ways that planes, helicopters, balloons, flares, ball lightning, or anything else I can think of can’t. They merged and separated on an otherwise clear night and the site was cleared by morning.

    That one always stood out to me as weird. Something big flew over and something else aerodynamically impossible crashed. If that isn’t a legitimate encounter I don’t know what it otherwise would be because none of the people who saw it are alien fanatics. They didn’t try to capitalise on it, they’ve never described it in the media or done the UAP circuit. When they talked about it, they were unnerved and confused with a certainty of seeing some physical object none of them had seen before.

  • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
    7 months ago

    One time my cool older brother was stopped at a stop sign and there was a bird on the stop sign and I looked at it and the bird looked at me then I watched it mouth my name.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    7 months ago

    My mom saw two growing up, one was a small silver object that came out of someone’s yard and flew over her and a bunch of kids. Another was like a saucer with landing gear just sitting in an empty lot, when she took off to go get her parents and come back it was gone. This was in the late 60’s so no drone tech yet.

  • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
    7 months ago

    I was sitting outside my house when I saw a very little light in the sky. As I watched it pass, I thought it was a very small plane. Then it stopped moving, it hovered for a few seconds between a tree and a street lamp on the other side of the street.

    I spent those seconds wondering “What is that thing? Is that a drone? It’s night, who flies a drone at night?” and before I had a chance to take a picture, it wheeled around and zoomed off into the East, faster than a drone would have.

    I’m not certain it was aliens. All I know is that I’m pretty good at identifying things in the sky and I couldn’t identify it.