I decided to check in on reddit for some reason, wtf are they doing over there? I’m sure it wasn’t weird before the protest

  • AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Dude it’s all a conspiracy run by the deep reddit state. R/anarchychess was a top sub with posts in r/all multiple times. And reddit couldn’t handle losing it so they install their own sleeper members. Accounts that looked exactly like normal anarchists. They made comments and posts that were indistinguishable from real posts. Then they turned the sub into a deep reddit post factory to farm ads. Reddit has farms of low wage workers in war torn third world countries posting on r/anarchychess. And I have proof. I have lots of proof. I just have to collect it from my hiding place. They tried to shut me up but I have evidence. The info is out there and it’ll come true. They just couldn’t stand that chess had a place for anarchy. Finally a place to shit post chess memes but oh no that goes against everything late stage capitalism stands for. How can the big men in suits make money off of our chess content if we make it ourselves? They need it to be less anarchical. The anarchy was too much to handle. And I have proof. It all makes sense. Because 3rd parties ran the anarchy. Apollo and anarchy both start with a. It’s not just a coincidence. Spez set it all up from the beginning. Who started anarchy chess? The texts were lost, the archive isn’t complete. I’ll tell you who. The reddit deep state who pulls the strings behind the shadows of the pupetmaster. And I have lots of proof. More proof than you will be able to believe. You’ll have to believe it once you see it though. Because I have lots of it. You see they patented the en passant back in 93. So Everytime we say it they get royalties. They need us to repeat repeat repeat so they can farm their dollars and fund them. They have been running more than you think too. Ever hear of 9/11? All I know is r/anarchychess has stayed suspiciously quiet about it. No one can say for certain where spez was that day. There is a full 24 hour period where no one saw him. On the same day the towers fell I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Too many things line up. They’ve tried to quiet me but I got out. They were at my house they tracked my IP addresses thru the VPN and offshore servers. I barely got out thru the tunnel in time. The hounds were on my heels and I had to duck under the gunfire but they can’t stop me. All I have now is my go bag full of chess pieces. I have been in the woods for months hiding. Moving every night as they hunt me down. Drawing chess boards in the dirt by the light of my campfire. Playing the woodland critters who challenge me. And the squirrels, if I beat them I get to eat them. And they still challenge me. And I know the stakes. If I lose they eat me. They almost had me once. I faced the GM squirrel and he had my balls in a vice after playing a great game. But the stupid rodent forgot about en passant. I took his pawn and I could see his heart sink. I took his life quickly out of respect for his skill. He nourished me for 3 days. I wear his hide in a necklace around my neck as an omen to ward off the spirits of the jungle. At night the demons attack and I used to have to burn sage. But sir Reginald S Tail was a noble squirrel, a witch doctor in his prime, and his aura scares the demons. They know he can control them with his divine power. But the demons in my soul still tournament me.