You stop seeding because you are selfish.
I stop seeding because I am selfish.
We are the same.
I stop seeding because I work for the MPA and I have finished logging all the IP addresses. We are not the same.
I stop seeding when I don’t give AF, we’re not the same.
I cap my seeding just low enough that it looks like I’m helping but I’m doingvfuck all, were not the same, I’m just a cunt.
I stop seeding when rutracker admin tells me to, we’re not the same.
🫡 more brave than the trops.
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
A lot of times the rights holders sell the right to enforce the copyright to copyright trolls who don’t have the rights to distribute the content.
Had to read that twice lol
I stop seeding because otherwise i can’t have a good ping
Ergo, selfish
If you play around with the qol settings in your router you can mitigate that.
Removed by mod
Nice comeback, you wanna repeat that?
I believe what he said was
📢 He would like to bend your mom over and fuck up her ratio, Mr. Garrison.
Edit: Apologies if your ma is nice; them’s the rules.
… Fuck her UP the ratio? Hot!
Holy shit dude!
I was shocked to learn just the other day that my boyfriend is a dirty leecher
Dump him!
It’s technically not illegal till you seed
you’re always sending and receiving data, that’s why it’s illegal the whole time. That’s what the little tab that says “ratio” is measuring, the ratio of hownmuch your uploading vs downloading. Afaik it’s pretty much impossible to use p2p file sharing without participating in spreading the files
There are many special versions of torrent tools that allow disabling uploading. If course you still have to upload your requests “please give me block 1234 of file XYZ”, which some tools include in the transfer rate shown and others show separate as overhead or meta transfer rates. However, no actual file contents will be uploaded. This is important for some jurisdictions/nations. While both downloading and uploading content is illegal, uploading causes more “damage” ( it’s legally easy to claim proliferation of the uploaded content, multiplying the financial damage). Also, in some countries, it’s either but legal to track user downloads at all or not in a manner that would provide court-proof evidence. Proving illegal uploads is very easy: the legal company will simply use the p2p network itself, but record which blocks were received from what IP address at what time. This list in many countries is sufficient to get a court to order the ISPs to share info on who owned that IP address at that time, opening you up to a lawsuit.
Thus example is how it works in Germany and must other EU countries. The exact approach obviously differs, because everyone has variations of privacy laws. E.g. not every country makes isps store IP assignment history for longer than necessary for billing purposes ( usually a month), whereas in other countries isps hand out that info even without court orders…
Educate yourself and act smart. There is no magic protection when doing p2p piracy. Luckily, most companies do not care to pursue pirates. Others ( like kalypso media) are infamous for having partnered with legal companies whose sole purpose is to generate income by chasing pirates with intimidating and expensive “pay 800€ now or we sue you in court for millions” letters.
It is 100% possible. Our school network at uni (including dorms) had a very strict no illegal seeding policy. It was possible to tweak uTorrent settings not to upload but if you messed it up, you were without internet for a day and there was a 3 strike policy.
My internet is 1.5MBytes per second download… And 200kbytes upload, there was a torrent that i was able to save from dying, i remember the poor mf that downloaded that file from me for a whole week; to download 16GB since then he’s been seeding that file; the sheer tenacity that man had.
Edit:english is difficult
That poor MF have been me a couple of times. I hate being interested in niche content sometimes… On the positive side, I have a strict no-delete policy on any public torrent with less than 5 in ratio or private torrents, so I carry forward the gesture so the previous seeder can take a break.
Yeah, have done that a few times. Used to have a 20MBit/5MBit cable internet, it was hell to be honest. Still I’ve managed to seed well over 500 or 600GB a month on that thing (I never turned the PC off 😂). Now I got 50/50. I used to seed about 3 or 4TB a month, but I can’t have my PC on like that any more, the electric bill was too high 😔.
Not only that, I have reconstructed dead torrents from files I’ve downloaded elsewhere (file sharing sites). If the files and filenames are the same, the hash will match, thus the client will start to seed it 😉.
I’m downloading various Linux distros just to seed them.
Please stop! My penis can only become so erect!
Tell that to the MPA 😂.
Ratio >= 2.00
Myself and one other person have been upholding a torrent of the movie Holes since last June. My ratio is over 30, and I can only imagine how large theirs is since they were the only seeder when I downloaded the movie. I’ve cleared out some older torrents since then, but I’ll be damned if Holes ever comes off my home server at this point.
Edit: The torrent for those who asked
My seeding rules are simple. If it comes from one of my private trackers or it contains Shia LaBeouf, I seed it forever. Everything else is auto-removed from my client when ratio reaches 2.0.
Can I ask what client you use? I want to implement the same auto-remove on qbittorent but idk if I’m just not seeing that setting or what.
I use transmission, but share ratios are pretty common and I’m almost positive qBittorrent had the same options when I last used that one several years ago.
Look in your settings for “Set share limit to” “ratio: x.xx”
You can set a global share limit in your settings, and you can modify the setting for specific torrents when you add them or any time by digging into the torrent’s properties.
My defaults are to seed to 2.0 ratio, and when I queue something up manually from one of my private trackers, I manually change the setting for that specific torrent to permaseed.
What VPN do you use? I used Mulvad in the past but I’ve read they stopped port forwarding so torrenting is broken with them now.
I use Private Internet Access (PIA). I’m honestly not sure where it rates on the “good vpns” scale, but I get port forwarding through open VPN on Linux and my connection is still pretty fast. It does what I need it to do.
Same, but wireguard. Sometimes I’ll find my port closed so I made a cron job to check and swap if needed.
Not OP but I recommend AirVPN
My “one” is an 18gb folder of every episode of Fred Dibnah
Rescued it from a dying torrent and have been seeding for a decade. Ratio is about 100/1
Might just need to go download Holes now
It is a fantastic movie that’s held up well over 20 years. I watched it once as a kid and again a couple months ago and was like damn this isn’t just a kid’s movie, it’s layered.
Got that one? I wouldn’t mind having it or helping out
Edited the magnet link into the original comment. Seems like it’s a bit healthier than when I last checked but the more the merrier.
It hit 25mb/s towards the end. I shall permaseed alongside my brothers 🫡
W + ratio + yo ho ho + 🏴☠️
I always set to 15 and to stop after 7 days of inactivity. Feels good
Yup, I have mine set to 5.00 and four weeks. Because sometimes I download old/obscure stuff that can take a few weeks to even get new activity. But if it’s active, I can at least get to the 5.00 ratio before stopping.
If I have a VPN and upload speed limits set, there’s very little reason not to.
You’re guaranteed to leave people unsatisfied if you stop immediately upon arriving at the seeding stage.
people unsatisfied
This describes me seeing my Astro Boy 2003 English dub torrent 99.98% complete a few weeks ago.n
That’s often due to people excluding the .nfo and “downloaded from [x]”.txt files.
No, it shows me which files aren’t complete. It’s a tiny bit of the final episode and a .sfv file that was supposed to check for file integrity. So it’s not a complete loss, but it’s still disappointing.
That’s odd, because the first and last episodes are usually the most downloaded; People will grab those to add to their seedboxes, because the “download first and last” option is an easy way to sample the torrent before fully committing. So typically speaking, it’s easiest/fastest to download the first and last episodes, since those are what is most available.
Large popular trackers use seed boxes to provide torrents, your seeding is irrelevant. It is actually quite hard to get any ratio there as most people will get most data from the seed boxes.
But what’s even better is to use a popular seed box yourself. There are high chances that a popular torrent will simply be linked to your seed box account instantly, so you don’t have to download anything at all. I mean you still need to transfer it to your PC, but you don’t have to torrent anything.
Yeah I don’t bother seeding things that are widely available. My connection isn’t good enough. I seed things that I have personal interest in with very few other seeders. Obscure media, software, and ebooks mostly.
I have no issue seeding on a 300mbps connection. I get tons of data upload.
Just gotta say I love your username
But if I don’t stop seeding I get the threatening emails
Block email dolain, peoblem solved 👍.
Thanks scoob
No prob 👍.
Don’t talk to me if your average ratio is less than 1.0.
My ratio is around 2.4 and that’s my proudest accomplishment for probably my entire life
I’m proud of you
How is this a Chad move???
Edit: Wait, maybe this is to reflect on the fact that physical beauty can harbour its ugly side, all the same. That we should not go about: “I am the handsome character and you are the ugly character, so I am right.” Yes, after much consideration I have concluded that this meme should remain as is.
We should see more of these memes and subvert the notions that underpin the original meme formats.
Calling someone a Chad used to be comparable to calling someone a Karen not that long ago. Chad’s were assholes who thought they were hot shit. At some point, unironically, Chad’s became actually hot shit
Darn leechers
I seed until 1.0, but no more. Or as much required by the private tracker I’m a member of, or more if I seem to gain a lot of ratio. Am I bad?
I seed way beyond the requirements, I’m totally happy for other people not to. I have a swanky setup that suits it - might as well. If you don’t, don’t.
A buddy was living with me for like two years or so, we had a lot of network issues, suddenly slowing down, not having nearly the speed we were supposed to,
Not long before he moved out i saw his torrent stats, while staying with me he had downloaded about 100GB, and seeded around 700TB!
This son of a gun had disabled any rate limit and been seeding at full capacity for two goddamn years, i haven’t had any network issues since
And this is why I have my own router. Fuck the shitty router that the ISP sends you. I can see exactly how much traffic each device is creating, and throttle devices if needed. If I wanted to enable snooping, I could even see which specific services/apps/etc are creating the traffic. So like I’d be able to see a big spike in torrenting traffic.
Christ, I have it running 24/7 and I’m only at ~1.5TB of uploads. Tbf as pointed out elsewhere I’m “competing” with seedboxes so not hugely surprising.
Now that’s a Chad Pirate.
I don’t set a speed limit but I use wifi for seeding so I don’t get priority anyways.
In my defense, if it were ever necessary, I’m planning on getting a setup where I have some sort of NAS + Pi thing that together forms a seedbox and Plex media server. Right now my desktop PC has both jobs. Poor thing has been running basically nonstop since 2020.
Same, I seed for 1 month or 4x ratio. I only have one private tracker (myanonamouse for books) that requires 1x ratio or 2 weeks seeding (maybe 2x ratio?) But I have unlimited internet. I’ve been the sole seeder for music files quite a few times, and for tv shows once or twice before they get picked up by others again. No downside to over seeding since I leave my PC on for hosting my Plex instance anyway, I just rate limit my seeding if I’m trying to watch something on Plex outside of my network and it’s buffering a lot. I get a lot of files from a usenet server anyway so I’m not bogged down by a ton of torrents (have it set to 50 active torrents, don’t think I’ve ever gotten there), just the stuff not available on my usenet server
I use CGPeers for some stuff, and they have a stated required ratio. However, most of their stuff is FreeLeech anyway, so it doesn’t really matter than I’m in the green by about 78GB
I’m the only one seeding Poker Night 2 and I’m never going to stop! That game needs to be treasured and preserved. I can’t let it be lost to time
Are you getting any peers though?
If I had a paid VPN I could use to seed, I’d definitely think about seeding. Best I can do are releases of Libre Office so my ISP can’t shit bricks and get pissed at me.
i have no autopause on seed ratio. if you download lilo & stitch it probably was from me, it has 500+ ratio.
but i limit upload speed (10mbps) otherwise my isp will complain… still doing ~500gb daily upload