Edit: Missed my whole point of posting this specifically in the vegan sub lol, but I’m glad at least you found it as something positive.
isn’t this fantastic news? doesn’t that mean global warming might slow down?
That would be CO2, not shown here. We continue to set yearly records for CO2 pollution. 2024 was the highest emissions ever, beating 2023, which surpassed 2022 etc.
This isn’t GHGs, they’re talking about like smog and particulate pollution, Sulfur Dioxide is what primarily caused acid rain, CO is toxic. We still won’t peak GHG concentrations for a while, as that requires net zero emissions.
This is still fantastic news, though. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Celebrate the wins when you can.
On the contrary.
SO2 is like a handbrake on CO2.
In a way, air pollution is “good” for the climate - not for the biosphere though.
Big if maintained. Really hoping to see air quality improve across Asia 🌏
Just wait until the United States begins restarting coal power plants