• 12 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • Anybody with experience want to talk about how/why this happened? Seems like part of the problem was the small opening on the right side of the plane. But I imagine its should be designed to not break so easily considering the use case. In addition, I’m surprised the canopy would open instead of staying locked. Good thing this pilot didn’t panic and was experienced enough to still safely land the plane.

  • We’re on different pages if your not 100% sure it was a joke… I’m saying he shouldn’t be joking about it. You’re saying it’s fine because he’s likely just joking? Like, do you not remember that republicans started out “just joking” as well? And when their base didn’t push back, they stopped fucking joking and just saying it. I don’t need to respond to this since you’re ignoring the context of Biden, and his comment vs Trump and his comments. Either you’re unaware how people work, or intentionally ignorant.

    Did he show up for a photo op for a couple.of hours and tried to take credit for others accomplishments? If that’s not the one you’re talking about, can you link what you’re talking about?

    Lol ok you’re just downplaying his accomplishments here, acting like the president attending an event, and giving a speech offering support for their movement has absolutely no power. Do you think he’s a monarch that can just force the company to give into the Union’s demands?

    He needs the money to convince people to hold their noses… [rest of your comment]

    And this just proves more you’re either completely ignorant to how campaigning works in the real world, or more likely, you’re a troll feigning ignorance. I don’t need to provide a response for the rest of your drivel as its obvious everyone else can see their your feigned ignorance, BoTh SiDes, and suggestions that only work in a fantasy world but not the real world.

  • It’s bad when Trump does it, it’s bad when Biden does it.

    I feel that’s so different. Trump has shown to not CARE about the rules of law. He had committed a a coup, was impeached 2 times, and through out his presidency talked about doing illegal/immoral things and Even now tells about revenge. Biden’s comment seems like a joke because he hasn’t been shown to be vindictive, Trump’s comments seem more like threats because of his history.

    I just hope Biden starts trying to court voters eventually instead of donors.

    The current party fucking loves fancy dinners with the rich and famous, but seem to have an open disdain for the average Americans whose votes are what matters.

    Bro he’s literally the first president to attend a union picket like, he’s been traveling around to meet with voters. Your right this event isn’t as much about reaching out to the common man, but that’s because his campaign still needs money and this is one way to make it.

    So yes in a lot of ways you’ve just described campaigning. Where a candidate must both get donations for their campaign, while also courting voters. Yes both Trump and Biden must campaign, like every presidential candidate before.