I more think it’s impressive they manage to still be unhappy with absolutely no reason to be so.
That is because money can’t buy happiness.
A lack of money can cause unhappiness though.
Money can’t buy happiness but poverty can’t buy shit.
I’ve always said if money can’t buy happiness then what’s the point in having it.
It buys a reduction in unhappiness, which is a good first step to hapiness, but money can’t take you the next step of actually appreciating what you’ve got.
Eh, some could also be solved with more time off.
Why not both? :D
Money alone can’t buy happiness, but it sure helps with the down payment.
Past a certain point, money can’t buy any more happiness. Sure, you have a house, but what is it worth if there’s no one to share it with?
There’s always gold-digging hoes. (That includes men too.) When people only want your money, you literally have to go out of your way to make your own happiness…
“Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.” - Spike Milligan
I’m all but certain the whole “money can’t buy happiness” shtick is just classist propaganda to keep the peasants poor by trying to build some kind of weird pride in staying poor.
Money can buy freedom, and while freedom doesn’t guarantee happiness, it’s a pretty fucking important ingredient.