Stop censoring these people’s names and faces. They said it. They said it out loud and proud, in front of god and everyone. Why are we afraid to show them?!
You may be looking for the phrase “chilling effect”. It’s not just for legal stuff now, but for doing anything proper because it brings too much trouble.
Stop censoring these people’s names and faces. They said it. They said it out loud and proud, in front of god and everyone. Why are we afraid to show them?!
Some places do have rules against name and shame, to be fair. Not sure that this is one of them, but still a safe general rule to follow.
Those places deserve pushback on that bullshit
If someone said it in public then they’re fine with it being out there
Oh, I absolutely don’t disagree with you, I can just see why people would err on the side of caution with their own posts.
You may be looking for the phrase “chilling effect”. It’s not just for legal stuff now, but for doing anything proper because it brings too much trouble.
Yes, that would work to describe it. It’s also a phenomenon that has existed since our pre-human ancestors began social relationships.