Do with this information what you will, but it’s at least kinda funny that the site is now segregated across tech nerddom lines.
Or you’re a turbonerd and click “view source,” see the emoji name, and laugh at the memory of what it looked like
Everything’s working normal for me and I changed nothing
Well yeah but you’re dirt owl
Also that’s probably just because of things being cached in the device you’re using ATM, but eventually it will expire and it’ll all be “visit hexbear” images.
Once your DNS cache flushes it will stop working. Just happened to me.
Everything works fine for me on Jerboa and an ML account.
Truly I am one of the privileged few
How do I do this? I did the fix mentioned in the pinned thread for the ip or w/e to connect to dot chat
Are you on Windows? On Linux changing the hosts file worked just fine for me.
Yeah on winblows
Mobile users