Link to video (crash is the lights on the bottom). Obviously trigger warning for a mass casualty event.
WTF??, Airport’s are supposed to be no fly zones unless the operators let you in.
on all cops involved
it wasn’t cops, it was a military or government Blackhawk
Oh, so it was the feds
Now that makes me wonder if the dem/chuds are going to blame each other for the accident now
They already are
Don’t worry, as soon as anything bad happens they blame each other
Not true! Sometimes the Dems blame the left
ah see, it wasn’t a whitehawk. the DEI-licoptor is to be blamed.
(in all seriousness tho this sucks and i feel bad for the passengers and their families)
There’s rumor that it might have been a VH-60N White Hawk, one of the “Marine One” POTUS transports.
You mean Trump could have been on board?
Imagine if this is how Elon dies
Dying as he lived, getting others killed
Le Epic Helicopter ride 42069
so the wiki page is showing the call sign as “PAT25” [sourced from a police scanner], which apparently means “priority air transport", and from a 4yo reddit post is “used by all branches carrying VIPs and is usually is followed by the tailnumber”
there’s a pdf of call signs that also contains:
PAT US Army Priority Air Transport (Andrews AFB)
so could have been some fed VIP on that helicopter
e: news mega poster is saying it took off from CIA headquarters based on tracking data
It was a blackhawk. The various fed agencies apparently fly helis up and down the potomac day and night. It’s usual. Helo was operating visually, was instructed by the tower to cross behind the aircraft on approach. They reported the aircraft in sight, but obviously whatever they saw was something else.
There have been so many close calls over the past couple of years at American airports, and atc is wildly understaffed. This one is squarely on the helo pilots, but a collision has been bound to happen soon.
Aircraft flying up and down through an active approach path needs to stop immediately. And hopefully something is done to address the staffing issues with atc. This is scary.
And hopefully something is done to address the staffing issues with atc.
Yeahh we’re gonna do some cutbacks, make it more efficient. Leaner. Meaner. Cleaner. Cheaper.
Most likely this is what will happen unfortunately.
That’s too optimistic.
Let’s get AI in there to help
“More efficient” meaning “minimal staff” has been true in business, and presumably government agencies, for years. It’s fucked.
imagine how bad things would be now if reagan hadnt broken the atc union!
I remember reading somewhere that US airspace is designed to make as much space “free” as possible which makes ATC a nightmare. Whereas everywhere else in the world it’s basically “if you aren’t landing, taking off, or doing a dumb light aviation practice circle, then you aren’t allowed”
Couple that with the ability of the military to just pretend laws don’t apply to them and this was always going to happen. Heck every other week a Blackhawk goes down they seem to be keeping Sikorsky in business.
ngl, I’m a little scared to fly into America next month now.
These sorts of events tend to increase caution in the short term. So next month may be among the safest times to fly into the US, as contrary as that feels
I really don’t think you have to be afraid
best I can offer you is an AI ATC that increases incidents by 33% in 5 days.
I don’t think Americans realize how near collapse the domestic airline industry is. It’s way past capacity and falling apart. Like the rest of our infrastructure
The aircraft they flew into had a huge bright light on it, along with some others lights, on the vid I’ve seen. How could they miss all that?
they flew straight fuckin into it, rip in piss pigs
I have no idea how this happened, but a false-flag “Reichstag fire” incident is not impossible. I guess we’ll see who gets blamed for it. Trump admin has many possible targets: immigrants, LGBTQ, Muslims (especially Palestinians).
now they’re saying it wasn’t a cop helicopter but a military Blackhawk
holy shit dude
there’s a bunch of
accounts in the twitter comments about “DEI hires in the cockpit” so your list sounds about right, add on women and neurodivergent people
What the did these nincompoops blame plane crashes on before the “DEI” boogeyman came along?
primarily muslims and jews, with an extra dash of
thrown in for flavor
I recall this German pilot from years back who flew a crowded plane into the side of a mountain in an act of suicide and people began theorizing he’d converted to Islam, lol
I am hearing that as he tipped the nose of the plane down the pilot received the light of Islam and unhesitatingly recited the Shahada. Even now he looks down on the Ummah from the gardens of Jannah. Truly there is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet!
Nah, I’m neurodivergeant and I can be trusted to fly our troops around. Just get me high up enough first.
doesn’t the FAA explicitly forbid pilots from getting diagnosed with or medicated for stuff? so there’s an assload of pilots that are just rawdogging ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety, and such 24/7
Same goes for sailors! Or kind of. You need a “valid medical certificate” and up to 2023 ANY mental diagnoses would bar you. After 2023 you might get an approval if you have ADHD, though it’s up to the individual doctor and good luck if you’re on any meds.
Why? Well think about it! Would you rather have your supertanker carrying megadeathpollutoroil to be handled by a depressed man in treatment, or someone who doesn’t know what’s wrong with them and self-medicates with alcohol?
one of those is woke and the other is extremely traditional, so you know how this works out :)
I’ve already lost a friend to this bs lmao
Reading the comments and already saw someone say DEI hahaha… oh god we live in such fucked up times.
I sure hope it’s the Kennedy
I think its going to be more likely a human error (either the cops or air traffic control fucked up)
Yeah there’s an airport on one side of the river and a military airbase on the other. That area is absolutely gridlocked with planes and helicopters.
Whether or not any part of it was on purpose, there’s no reason to let a good crisis go to waste.
I worry for the air traffic controllers, could see them getting scapegoated for this, especially depending on who the VIPs were on the whitehawk that collided
Easiest one is just blame DEI
I think this one could become a big scandal. The overcongestion in DC’s airspace has been a big issue for a while with a few close calls over the past year. The army is flying training missions at night in the landing path of an international airport below the altitude that the proximity warning systems halfway-cut out. I’ve listened to the ATC recordings, with the Blackhawk and jet on different frequencies with the same controller but unable to hear each other. The controller asks the Blackhawk pilot twice to visually confirm the jet and he has no situational awareness.
It has always pissed me off when I see a military aircraft overhead and it doesn’t even have its transponder on. They’re wildly reckless, weaving in and out of the Rockies and its densely populated urban corridor with crowded airspace around them. Hopefully the fallout from this accident forces strict regulations for them.
Hopefully the fallout from this accident forces strict regulations for them.
That will happen yeah
Not that I think they’re moral, just self-serving. When it’s their airspace and the plane is crashing right next to the DoD/DIA headquarters a few miles from the capitol/pentagon, the next inevitable crash of this type has a chance of being moderately-to-severely wholesome.
incompetence up to and including negligent homicide in my police force?!
Removed by mod
The silence on who was in the chopper is interesting. Edit (chopper involved in the crash was a U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter carrying three people)
When Trump was first president they had that Vegas shooting in which the Saudis were suspiciously whisked away as the shooting happened in the Saudi owned 4 seasons.
Trump should have been impeached tried with treason over that and the weapons deals with the Saudis in the first place. The whole thing was covered up. Dems would never do that because they are also weapons dealing terrorist arming zionazis and it would implicate themselves as well. So you had a decade of thumb twiddling and Madcow’s Red Scare walls are closing in and now
That Vegas shooting is the only mass shooting I’m conspiracy brained about.
where could i read about it, that even was memory holed pretty fast.
Shit is going down.
nothing’s going to happen
Is any of this actually confirmed
Model of the helicopter was tweeted out by the FAA, idk about the rest.
Added some context. The Saudi embassy thing is the most questionable rumor. The E-4B may have already been in the air when the crash occurred.
CNN now says that officials say that the helicopter was an army training flight. IDK, but seems like the most authoritative thing we’ll hear for the night.
holy shit
To the person who reported this as misinfo, at least attach evidence or a link. it would be nice if you attach a link, even if it’s just Twitter. I have no way to judge if this is true or not.
You can see on the video that the blackhawk just cuts it front of the jet roughly perpendicular
They need to do one about the time the white house burned down, pronto. Get some use outta that lathe.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
It would have been something if the helicopter was an Osprey
Oh btw did you know there’s a presidential Osprey? I don’t think it’s used much but I’ve seen a picture of KKKamala boarding one
Soon comrades. Soon.
“are drones involved?” these guys are beyond saving
“Vaxxed?” But for air stuff
episode incoming
This week Roz tries to explain radio communication, Nova gives her take on a communist state she’s never heard of, and Liam has a temper tantrum over the latest tweet he’s read. Runtime: 3 hours 47 minutes
Their last episode was about a commercial flight coming out of DCA and crashing into the Potomac. 😬
Roz has the lathe
Three stooges military strikes again
More manufactured need for a police state imo
I really hope this is a one off flook and not the result of some weird Trump policy fucking up the efficiency of the airways.