Link to video (crash is the lights on the bottom). Obviously trigger warning for a mass casualty event.
Link to video (crash is the lights on the bottom). Obviously trigger warning for a mass casualty event.
Nah, I’m neurodivergeant and I can be trusted to fly our troops around. Just get me high up enough first.
doesn’t the FAA explicitly forbid pilots from getting diagnosed with or medicated for stuff? so there’s an assload of pilots that are just rawdogging ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety, and such 24/7
Same goes for sailors! Or kind of. You need a “valid medical certificate” and up to 2023 ANY mental diagnoses would bar you. After 2023 you might get an approval if you have ADHD, though it’s up to the individual doctor and good luck if you’re on any meds.
Why? Well think about it! Would you rather have your supertanker carrying megadeathpollutoroil to be handled by a depressed man in treatment, or someone who doesn’t know what’s wrong with them and self-medicates with alcohol?
one of those is woke and the other is extremely traditional, so you know how this works out :)