
  • CarbonScored [any]
    1 month ago

    I very much relate to this, I had a '98 Honda that died its final unrecoverable death last year. It was reliable, comfy and could carry stuff, literally all I need from a car. I paid £600 for that car (and way less on maintenance), it’s replacement this year cost £1k. Sides were rusting and a rear door wouldn’t open, but it otherwise worked perfectly well, it even had a built-in picnic table that I kept before sending it to scrap.

    It’s amazing the way some people will look at you with pity and/or scorn for having an old car, when I’m just happy I paid at least 30 fold less than the average for the same functionality. Plus as I need a car, keeping the old’un chugging on tends to be better environmentally.

    I relate with the last sentence. When I heard that over 90% of car purchases in this country are on some kind of finance, I literally refused to believe it.