LanyrdSkynrd [he/him]

Cracker-ass drunk loser who forgot he added this bio while shidding out his doodoo ass

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • dean-neutral


    Forgive this rambling explanation, I haven’t deeply explored my feelings on this.

    I always feel a little weird giving my honest response to this question because I feel like I’m taking something away from trans people.

    I don’t identify with my birth assigned gender, but I do generally conform to it in dress and appearance and don’t care to change that. I don’t feel like I’m any gender at all(is that agender?). I don’t ever feel gender dysphoria and don’t really think about my gender identity often. I do sometimes feel pressure to conform to my birth gender in behavior, and that really bothers me because that’s the aspect of gender I don’t identify with. When I was younger I always felt like I was performing my assigned gender, and as an older person I’m glad I’m mostly free of that.

    I think that makes me trans, but I’m not sure.

  • I’m pretty skeptical of the value of these LLMs, but Google’s isn’t even good enough to call it half baked…

    These models are ultimately crap in my opinion. They’re not optimizing for intelligence or correct answers, they’re optimizing for seeming correct and intelligent. All the feedback they get from users is uninformed, you only ask an LLM what you don’t know.

    I used to think these tech companies knew what they were doing, at least somewhat. It’s just a bunch of business dipshits running from fad to fad burning tons of money until they fall backwards into a business. Then they monopolize it and enshittify it.

  • As others have said, most of the braking power comes from the front. You can drive safely without rear brakes in 99% of situations. Of course, that 1% is when you need to make an emergency stop and you can’t really predict when that will happen.

    That said, 2mm isn’t 0. If you haven’t been ignoring horrible grinding noises, those brakes are still doing something. You only really need to worry when the friction material is almost completely gone, and you’ll know because it sounds terrible. After that you run the risk of overheating and seizing the calipers, which can easily triple the repair cost.

  • If you go the VPN route make sure you do a leak test( before you start downloading stuff. If you pass those tests you’re safe.

    You can definitely get PSX games from torrent sites, I just checked and they’ve got a ton.

    Real-debrid is cheaper and easier to setup safely for a beginner. It’s basically just a service that downloads torrents(and those weird paid download sites like nitro upload) for you. You submit the torrent file or magnet link to their website and it gives you a direct download link. Since you aren’t sharing pirated files with anyone, there’s no chance of getting copyright warnings. There are also a bunch of streaming apps(stremio is the best) that work with real-debrid to give you a Netflix like experience for pirated movies/TV with little effort.

  • I was arguing with someone in Tiktok comments about this. They were saying I want gay people to die because I don’t support Biden. Later in the argument I asked what Biden has done to protect gay people and they said something like, “He can’t do anything because of Congress and the Supreme Court”.

    I’m astounded by these people who believe voting is the only thing we can do to affect our government, while simultaneously believing that you automatically need to give that vote to a party that doesn’t do anything for you.

  • Backup cameras are worth every cent they cost just to prevent running over kids who aren’t tall enough to be seen in the rear view mirror.

    Tesla gave a lot of useful safety tech a bad name by deploying a half baked system in a overconfident way, the stuff other manufacturers are putting out is legitimately useful safety tech. It’s expensive for now, but it will get cheaper and save a lot of lives.

    Forward collision detection systems slow down cars enough to prevent fatalities, lane warning systems prevent accidents from drivers who fall asleep by shaking the steering wheel and beeping. Adaptive cruise control can prevent pileups because it can quickly react to dense traffic slowing.