hostile foreign government
Hostile to who? Hostile to who, motherfucker?
Lmao, US people thinking they are the only ones on the internet once again. At least a lot of users in the post are pushing against the last bullet point stating how CIA coded it is.
Unfortunately a lot of them are doing it by being chauvinistic as fuck by saying that is Tencent owns even a fraction of something then the entire platform automatically becomes an evil SeeSeePee propaganda tool
Wait, but it’s Reddit? It’s owned by Tencent?
There is a large group of
users who believe that Reddit having Tencent investment means they’ll get banned for posting anti-China stuff, as if Reddit isn’t the most sinophobic place on the internet
Reddit having Tencent investment means they’ll get banned for posting anti-China stuff
hostile foreign government
The “left-wing” of white nationalism
“we hate our own government but we will also believe everything they say about its enemies and act in its best interests”
Workers of the World Unite!.. unless they are apart of an adversarial government as defined by our capitalist oligarchs and businessmen, then prepare for war!
A comment in that thread
Kautskyism after 1914 is wrong. Kautskyism after 1918 is wrong and ridiculous.
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“hostile foreign government” as opposed to the local government which is very cool and gets along great with you. FFS your own government is 40x more hostile to you than China.
Also wtf is up with conflating China and the “far right”? Is communism the far right? What is going on in Reddit radlib town?
They do the same thing as the right, where their politics is defined by “maximum freedom” and any divergence is a step towards the opposite pole. This is why rightists call Hitler a communist, and why radlibs call Stalin a fascist. They are unreformed libertarians lmao.
Liberals in general believe themselves to be the furthest left you can rationally be. Anything to their left is unreasonable, counterproductive, and functionally right-wing.
Some liberals even call themselves socialists because they saw a facebook meme saying the fire department is socialist.
Even in undergrad humanities classes I see this all the time from lib professors. “Even in capitalist countries, some socialist policies like public education and healthcare are adopted” ??? I guess it’s good because it makes ‘socialism’ less of a scary word but it also makes it impossible to gauge what anyone is talking about because I mean expropriation of all major industries by a dictatorship of the proletariat, while they mean UBI or something.
This is nothing new. People have been doing this since well before Marx. Marxism was a reaction against these types of squishy utopian reformists who seem extremely abundant in western societies
It doesn’t have to make sense, it just needs to fit their interests (social democracy, the left wing of fascism).
People don’t typically understand what these words mean.
Far right according to nato leftists is when you have rules of any kind, just like hexbear apparently is
“Rule” and “right” are descended from the same word, checkmate, tankies.
Manufacturing consent to support the fascists captialism backs like say
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
If CHY-NA isn’t far right then why do maps of earth usually place them all the way to the right? Check AND mate, tankie!
Libs must believe they are as “left as it gets” or their own moral vision of reality breaks down. So those to the left of them either get ignored or demonized as “actually rightwing” so they can sleep at night
I keep thinking of the Muhammad Ali quote when he refused the draft for the Vietnam War.
No Chinese ever called me tankie
Seriously lol
China isn’t shooting unarmed Americans 15 times in the back, or refusing to give them universal healthcare, or arguing for the ability to do MORE terrible things to Americans
I do feel like the American government is becoming so blatant in its corruption and evil that it’s worse than the fake narrative these libs have in their head about China. At least before it wasn’t so obvious to a casual observer.
Everything you hear on Rednote is propaganda! Plug your ears and cover your eyes! Don’t listen to it!
I know it was a Chinese app for a Chinese audience and that it’s essentially been invaded by a bunch of Americans recently, but i swear everyone on there is just bots pretending they’re normal people purely to propagandize Americans.
USAians are the most self-centered people in the world 🙄
China created RedNote and filled it with bots who were just interacting with each other for years just on the off chance that Westerners might someday discover it, just like they did with Hexbear.
It’s the perfect plan.
Its literally cooking and gardening videos. And language lessons.-
As someone who never used tiktok and would like to avoid its brainrot, is there a way to make rednote a bit less like what I imagine tiktok to be? Every topic you mentioned speaks to me, but my attention span is already getting ruined and I don’t want to put oil on the fire.
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I never used tiktok much either, but I’ve been really enjoying rednote so far. As for attention span worries, it might be hit or miss for you, depending on what worries you. Much like tiktok, rednote is also mostly scrolling through lots of short videos, so that part is the same. But I’ve found the algorithm to be surprisingly good at giving you what you want. My feed is mainly lots of cooking videos, cat/dog videos, cute little cartoon frogs, badass communist imagery, outdoor/travel stuff, etc. I find it much more wholesome and less brainrotty/doomscrolly than tiktok. Every time I went on tiktok I felt like it only showed me people sitting in their car ranting and clips of right wing youtube assholes. I’ve seen almost none of that garbage on rednote.
Its inherently better. The algorithm isn’t so virality focused, this is what I have heard anyway and it feels true. The content isn’t affected by the “attention economy” that plagues western social media. The app itself also just has better features than tiktok.
I can’t say what it was like before and how many Americans will stick around, but they just added am auto translate feature so its much easier to interact and comment and not need to mess with copy and pasting to another translation app.
If you aren’t afraid of the big terrible scary CCP undermining national security I would recommend checking it out. I also think you don’t need an account to browse it on desktop
Its just my personal experience but I find myself scrolling slower and spending more time on longer form videos. At the very least it is refreshing for my ADHD brain to not be assaulted by 50% ads and 40% pointless memes that tiktok has
See also: When Hexbear federated with lemmy. A forum that was just doing their own thing for years was secretly bots and trolls just keeping up appearances to trick The Most Important People In The World.
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Yeah, hostile to who? this is sinophobic shit.
Hostile foreign government
Even if the worst predictions about China are true, I can’t see what harm China is gonna do to the average redditor in Burgerland.
I’ve been asking this question to people and have never gotten a response that isn’t “muh freedum!”
wants to take your Wendy’s away
They’re afraid that they’ll be sent to the countryside to do actual work
They’re going to stop them from posting Winnie the Pooh memes, which is a violation of
Well you see one day maybe some of the people being MONITORED BY CHINA on CHINESE PLATFORMS will become politicians and the CHINESE COMMUNIST CHINESE GOVERNMENT will have compromising material in the form of embarassing old posts they can be blackmailed with. Not like that has ever happened without the help of the EVIL CHINESE.
Doesn’t that mean that Zuckerberg and others can do it anyway? Or do they think that it is good when it is done by American billionaires?
I went to check out that thread, and holy shit do I fucking hate chauvinistic Western anti-China liberals AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
And hostile to whom? As a European, I’m subjected to the same bullshit from the US.
The environment, for one.
Several lawmakers said publicly last summer you can search it, pro-Palestinian content was WHY tiktok was being banned — the threat to them is people waking up from WITHIN, and they’re counting on the average U.S. audience’s Sinophobia for people to believe chinas the reason.
Lmfao yes it’s a threat when an algo run by china can affect public opinion in the US, yes.
Yep. Saw quite a few “life as an office worker in china” type videos and more than one showed 2 hour lunch breaks. Not to mention the grocery hauls, explanation about how they’re not paying property tax and their home is theirs, cheap luxury cars that far outmatched western ones, etc. Us westerners are learning what life could be like if govt cared about its people.
you fell for the chinese propaganda, hook line and sinker if you think that’s at all representative of the average chinese worker. Please think for yourself, and don’t let a chinese propaganda app do it for you
I think you’d be surprised about how much the user base of red note would agree with this sub. I regularly see Chinese netizen ask why Americans put up with such a broken system, why we haven’t revolted. We have been fed a lot of propaganda about the people of China.
They want you to revolt not because we are in solidarity with you, but because it would be easier to beat your ass should one day come to it… not saying that you shouldn’t revolt, but how naive of you to think we actually support you or something lol
I guess being Chinese doesn’t prevent you from saying stupid shit
The environment, for one.
Every estimate of the environmental damage of the oil and gas industry in America has been incredibly underestimating of stray emissions, wells that have broken free of their caps, oil leaks, water contamination, etc.
Lmfao yes it’s a threat when an algo run by china can affect public opinion in the US, yes.
The US or affiliated tech companies would never.
Please think for yourself, and don’t let a chinese propaganda app do it for you
I just want to rub their nose in this until they understand the irony here
They want you to revolt not because we are in solidarity with you, but because it would be easier to beat your ass should one day come to it… not saying that you shouldn’t revolt
source: “trust me i am a very real Chinese person”
Gonna go start a fight club on RedNote so I can witness this lust for violence first hand.
The worst part is that it is representative of the average Chinese worker. There are places where people work long hours and stay in company housing, but that is not at all indicative of the majority of the people. And even then, the people who do those jobs are doing them temporarily (an average of 2-3 years) so they can then afford not to, once they have purchased a home in a smaller city (which is still incredibly modern by U.S. standards). Hell some are doing it to purchase second or third homes as investment properties (which is a bad idea, but hey, at least they can).
You know why we know this? Outside of anecdotal and even verifiable statistical evidence that this is the case, it is because polling shows overwhelming approval for their government.
That last one hurt my brain so bad I had to step in. I’m the one who brought up his posting history where he defends Isntrael.
I guess being Chinese doesn’t prevent you from saying stupid shit
Most of the Chinese on xhs that I have seen discussion racism they experience when traveling or being students in the west have been pointing this out
the enemy of my enemy is my enemy because they aren’t white enough for me to trust them
yeah i was rushing over here to see if anyone posted about it.
the entire subreddit is livid about including CPC “propaganda” in this ban
They should be and I’m glad to hear they are. Its a pretty dumb rule lol.
it’s amazing how even when they are acknowledging hatred of their own country they still fall for the propoganda that China is evil and must hate them. ahahahaha.
So will it be China who gets the blame for Trump this time?
There have been a few “Trump is obviously bought by China” posts since the primaries. Wouldn’t be surprised if they go with this.
BREAKING: Trump strikes Beijing. Experts suggest this was ordered by Xi.
A brilliant false-flag to justify the Chinese occupation of the continental US and liberation of Guam.
The sinophobia bots are out in full force in the comments descending on anyone questioning the CIA mods lol.
Something something neither Moscow, Beijing nor Washington DC, but always picking and supporting DC.
This subreddit is so heavily bot astroturfed
I wish they were all bots and not just racist.
Questions like this absolutely destroy AI unlike any other. It’s the best test I know of as a sort of “captcha” for comment bots right now
The whole move to BlueSky thing is incredibly bot astroturfed. You cannot tell me with a straight face that this is organic activity:
The post about moving to BlueSky somehow has more upvotes in less than a day, than Liverpool winning the PL for the first time in three decades!
I could see this happening if the majority of the subreddit would vote for it AND the outside users seeing it on /r/all would also vote for it. The members of /r/all wouldn’t have voted up the club’s win.